Wednesday, March 28, 2018

US Politics and North Korea - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

If President Trump can make a deal with the North Korean leader it would be a political coup, the left would be stuck with egg on their elite faces.   In 1972 Nixon went to China, it was a first visit by a US President, and Nixon could take the heat from the right as he had been a firm anti - communist throughout his political career. Trump has been tougher than most Presidents when it comes to North Korea.   Of course when you think of Nixon, you think of Watergate, it could be the same for Trump, the Russian probe is on going, what will be the results, that is for a future date, thus a historic meeting between a US President and North Korea is on the cards, the question is, will it be PEACE or WAR, one would like to be a fly on the wall should the meet happen, this blog still has doubts that the meeting will happen, a week is a long time in politics.   Is Trump the new Nixon?

The Russian Probe - Update - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus far the Mueller probe has not flipped ANY Russians to the knowledge of this blog, there have been charges against Russians, but they are in Russia and the Russian government is not going to c0-operate with any investigation that has it at the heart of the probe.   The Mueller probe thus far has not proven that the Trump Campaign of 2016 was in close co - operation with the Russians.  It can be postulated that POTUS should sack Mueller, thus far he has not proven his case, he looks like he is searching for a crime. 

The US and North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Although President Trump has agreed to meet Kim Jong - un, this blog gives it a 50/50 of happening, the North Koreans want US troops out of South Korea and they want the US to cut the alliance with the South, and for this the North will give up its nuclear weapons.   The Trump Oval can not sell that kind of deal, the South needs the protection of the US against the military threat of the NORTH, also South Korea and Japan need the nuclear protection of the US against China.   The Summit between Trump and Kim Jong - un could fail even before a meeting.  The idea of having two ego maniacs in the same room should worry the World, Trump will only want to get rid of the nuclear weapons held by the North, while the North will want the above, that is a deal that Trump could not sell and should not try to sell.  The doomsday clock might have gone back a few seconds, there could still be a war in Asia. 

The President and the Porn Star - Update 2 - Trump Era - Viewer Discretion

Lets Get Real:

The left wing media elite really HATE Trump, thus they are going with a story from a porn star, hell the article at the end offers her free advertising, the BBC should really know better.   If this was FDR, JFK the press would hold their noses and allow the story to fade away, because its Trump the press are all over the story, God knows what CNN thinks it is up to, it's all over the story, what happened to the News Channel of record.   The left wing media want any way to nail Trump, they do not care how deep in the trash they have to go, they will sell their souls for a few more story clicks.