Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Criminal Porbes of POTUS - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One can understand why serving and former FBI agents are not happy with their former Director,  politics in D.C is based on trust, if the White House can not trust the FBI it is a problem when it comes to day to day business.   This blog to be honest has placed an order for the Comey book, it looks interesting and should not be dull.  Former Director Comey is not liked by the left or right, on the left it is due to his actions days before the Presidential Election in the US when he re-opened the Clinton email investigation and on the right, because of his attacks on President Trump.

The Unhinged Left and Syria - Syria Update 3 - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Ever since Iraq the UK left has jumped off the cliff, it now defends Assad of Syria, and sees the Allied powers of the UK, US and France as warmongers, they do not live in the real world, they want to give Russia a VETO over UK foreign policy.  One wonders how long the Blair supporters within the Labour Party can stay when it is lead by Jeremy Corbyn and his like.  If there are any centre left or right MPs left in the Labour Party they should walk and form a new Party.  Sad day for the Labour Party. 

The Chemical Attack in Syria - Update 2 - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Russians and the Syrian Forces are covering up any WMD left after the chemical attack.   The French are right to stress that the chemical inspectors do not have ALL the time in the World, any WMD will be destroyed by the Syrians and Russians and the natural progression for WMD to decay.   The Allies should make it clear, that if the Syrians and Russians place blocks on the inspectors then the Allies might do another attack.   It is time to play hardball with the Syrians and the Russians. 

Syria and the House of Commons - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Is there really a need for a 2nd debate on Syria, PM May did the right decision by backing the US and France in their attack on Syria.   These debates do nothing but give comfort to the Assad Regime and Russia, they seek division the West and Jeremy Corbyn is a useful idiot who plays in to the hands of the Russians.   Those that opposed the Allied Strikes want to give the Russians through the UN a veto on UK military action.   The House of Commons should be discussing Brexit, not Syria again!!!!