Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Iran's New President and Israel - Middle East

Lets Get Real:

The Tehran Regime has been  showing its heel to the Oval since President Obama came in to office in 2009, they are playing on the Obama ego, he thinks HE can do a deal, that they will listen to him and his charisma, well folks they have the Obama number, and that is weakness, folks do you really think that the Oval will take military action Iran if it goes nuclear, or will the Oval try to blackmail Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran, if your Israel would you trust the Oval with your security after its failure to take action over the Assad Regime using chemical weapons in Syria.   The Tehran Regime will promise talks because that is what the liberals in the US and EU want to hear, it could be Munich 1938 ALL over again, Europe wants to hear what it wants, well Israel can not be afford to allow it security to be defined by the weakness of Europe or the Oval, time for Israel to take action, ALL options should be on the table, even nuclear folks, Israel has to be secure, no matter the results, ACT Israel. 

President Obama's 2nd Term Blues

Gallup: Reports on President Obama's daily job performance poll, today the Oval has a 45% Approval rating, while 48% Disapprove of the job performance of the Oval. 

Lets Get Real:

This must concern the Oval, when a President is the mid 40s he has less power on the Hill, and lets be very honest here folks, the relationship between the Oval and the Republicans is toxic, while Democrats have no great love for the Oval.   In many respects Obama is the Liberal Carter, a very clever man, but who has no interest in how politics works on the Hill, he thinks if he speaks on the subject that should be the end of the discussion, that kind of ego is not helped if your given the Noble Prize for just turning up, a better man would have found a way to turn it down, have you noticed folks that the elite media almost never mentions the award, they cant, the Obama kill list with drones while effective and good policy does go down well with liberals.  Lets recall the Oval, and its down to the Oval as reported by the NYT that agrees for the drones to do their duty,  in other words kill terrorist threats, even US Citizens.    That is must be very hard for liberals to take, but they keep quite as they have a  paternal racist view of the World, they can not be critical of the 1st African - American President.    This blog is very negative of the Oval, this blog does not see colour, when Obama is rarely right the blog supports such action, such as the drone strikes, and wanting to leave Afghanistan with a 0 reserve.   This blog has supported the US action is supporting the COUP in Egypt and not using that term, when Morsi was in trouble the Oval played Golf.   The President needs to lead on Immigration reform, its right on the policy and politics, Reagan is can be postulated would have supported the reform, as does Bush 43, thus time for leadership from the Oval. 

President Obama and Immigration Reform - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports that President Obama has stated that " ..immigration overhaul cannot be achieved by his August deadline. ".

Lets Get Real:

The reason that the House will not approve the Senate Bill is down to ONE reason folks, that is ObamaCare, the Republicans regained the House in 2010 because the Democrats pushed the Bill down the throat of the US voter, the US voter wants the Republican House to BLOCK any major Obama ticket item, the US voter that voted for the Republicans do NOT TRUST President Obama.    LETS GET REAL HERE FOLKS, the Republicans have worry about getting their BASE OUT  in the 2014 Mid Term Elections, in 1986 the Reagan Amnesty for illegals did not solve the problem, thus the failure of Bush 43 to get his Immigration reform through, the Republican base want the BORDERS secured first, then lets talk about the illegals in the US, politics is a brutal business folks, and ALL POLITICS is local.