Wednesday, July 17, 2013

President Obama and Immigration Reform - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports that President Obama has stated that " ..immigration overhaul cannot be achieved by his August deadline. ".

Lets Get Real:

The reason that the House will not approve the Senate Bill is down to ONE reason folks, that is ObamaCare, the Republicans regained the House in 2010 because the Democrats pushed the Bill down the throat of the US voter, the US voter wants the Republican House to BLOCK any major Obama ticket item, the US voter that voted for the Republicans do NOT TRUST President Obama.    LETS GET REAL HERE FOLKS, the Republicans have worry about getting their BASE OUT  in the 2014 Mid Term Elections, in 1986 the Reagan Amnesty for illegals did not solve the problem, thus the failure of Bush 43 to get his Immigration reform through, the Republican base want the BORDERS secured first, then lets talk about the illegals in the US, politics is a brutal business folks, and ALL POLITICS is local. 

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