The White House: Statement by the Obama White House on the NYT story that Iran had agreed to one to to one talks with the US after the election, the statement states the following, " It’s not true that the United States and Iran have agreed to one-on-one talks or any meeting after the American elections. We continue to work with the P5+1* on a diplomatic solution and have said from the outset that we would be prepared to meet bilaterally. The President has made clear that he will prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and we will do what we must to achieve that. It has always been our goal for sanctions to pressure Iran to come in line with its obligations. The onus is on the Iranians to do so, otherwise they will continue to face crippling sanctions and increased pressure. "
Lets Get Real:
Its seems the Chicago Oval has been caught with its hand in the cookie char folks. When was the last time to you trusted a White House statement from the this Chicago political mob. If your in Israel would you feel safe, do you trust Obama to come to your back, if so your a fool. This statement has just confirmed the story for this blog.