Monday, October 22, 2012

The Oval and Iran

Lets Get Real:

Its seems the Chicago Oval has been caught with its hand in the cookie char folks.  When was the last time to you trusted a White House statement from the this Chicago political mob.   If your in Israel would you feel safe, do you trust Obama to come to your back, if so your a fool.   This statement has just confirmed the story for this blog. 

Romney and the use of Torture - 2012 Race

Lets Get Real: 

Folks this is fantastic news, what if Romney had been in the White House at the time of the Libya Consulate attacks,  the terrorists would have known if they killed the Ambassador they faced legal torture but not death.  A frightened terrorist is always good folks, terrorists should be afraid of the reaction of Western powers.  Lets be honest here folks, very honest, the Arab Street respects fear, it does not fear President Obama.   The Arab Streets smells fear, and they see in Obama another Jimmy Carter, a American President that can be pushed around, that is the trick followed by Iran and Syria.   The West should have agents like Jack Bauer and James Bond, doing the dirty work that keeps the rest of us safe.   Thus torture and what ever needs to be done has to be used, its not a nice world folks, you have to fight fire with fire, if you do not you lose your Ambassador due to assassination. 

Obama lead in Ohio - 2012 Race

Telegraph Live - US Election: Reports on the latest poll from Ohio, in the CBS News/ Quinnipiac University Poll President Obama leads Governor Romney by 50% to 45%, a 5% lead

Lets Get Real:

As long as POTUS keeps Ohio he wins, thus the Obama team have to spend their million on TV adverts and an effective ground game.   The multi millions spent by the Obama team to define Romney as a rich guy out of touch has worked, thus they have to keep this line up to election day.   Of course this could be a outrider poll, lets see other local polls from Ohio.   The election could hinge on the debate tonight, as long as POTUS has a decent performance he should get a 2nd term. 

The 3rd Presidential Debate - 2012 US Election

BBC News: Reports that the 3rd Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy should cover Iran and Libya.

Lets Get Real: 

These two issues are weak spots for the Oval, the report yesterday in the liberal New York Times that Iran had agreed to one to one talks about its nuclear plans without Israel being informed will allow Romney to paint Obama as a appeaser, while on Libya the destruction of the US Consulate and its aftermath will open the President to the allegation that he was playing politics with the issue, that he did not want to really state that the attack was a planned terrorist attack because it would undermine his argument that Al Qaeda was dead after this approval of the mission that killed OBL.   This is a chance for Governor Romney to show his Presidential ability when it comes to the World Stage.  One would expect that POTUS should win, he should have the info to rebuke Romney.   Lets see who wins the debate folks, and by how much, prediction, a close battle, with Obama winning on points.