Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump and NATO - Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Germans were the favourite of President Obama, well now the Germans face President Trump, a leader who wants to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out, while German welcomed in a million Syrians, there was bound to be conflict.   The Trump Administration it seems wants to return to the Special Relationship with the UK, that is good, as long as we get a fair trade deal that is good, the Germans will not be happy.   The Germans and others will have to cut welfare to pay for more defence, the good old days are over, Europe must pay the piper, and that piper is Donald Trump, you have to love brutal politics. 

Trump and NATO - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF one was being generous one could argue that Donald Trump is trying and is effective in getting Europe worried and making sure that they pay for for their defence.   The US is 20 trillion in DEBT, that is correct, TRILLION, NATO members have to pay more for defence, the days that the US could carry Europe are over.   That is why Trump stated that South Korea and  Japan might need to get the bomb, he wants them to pay for US defence in the region.   On the other hand should Trump turn out to be a Russian puppet for various reasons then NATO members will have to make NATO effective, we could be heading in for troubled times, history does not end, it never ends, just States have to relearn old lessons. 

Politics is brutal - Clinton Era

Lets Get Real:

This is the price of losing elections, the powers that be decide you are no longer worth giving money too, the Clinton have had  a problem with the CGI since HRC ran for 2nd time to be President, it was seen by many a critics as way of people to give money to  Clinton and gain access due to this fact.    When HRC lost to Trump is November the charity givers cut back their donations, the Clintons are OLD NEWS, thus no more money.   Politics is a cruel business, once your in the lights, the main attraction, then your the former, and the money dries up. 

Trump and Putin UNITED - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The BBC is supposed to be objective when doing a story, when it comes to Brexit and Trump they are following the liberal elite view that is best found in the Guardian.   They support EU and dislike Trump because he is not President Obama.   The relationship between the press and President Trump will be below frosty, each side hate each other but need either, the Oval can not run government through Twitter, it will need the elite press media, and the media will need access to Trump, they are hostages of each other, let us see how it goes over the next four years.