Fox News: Reports the Republican Congressional reaction to the Obama move on Cuba, " Republican lawmakers pushed back strongly Wednesday against President Obama's decision to enact a series of orders meant to normalize relations with Cuba, with some GOP heavy hitters calling it “another concession to tyranny.” "
Lets Get Real:
Every time someone is arrested in Cuba now when protesting the Castro Government the blame will be placed on the WEAK Oval. The Oval Office has placed its Foreign Policy at the hands of the Castro brothers. Obama can only get away with this ONCE, by doing this deal with the Castro brothers he has blocked ANY DEAL WITH IRAN, there is only so much political weight that the Democrats can carry, they do not want to lose the Cuban American vote, or worse the Jewish vote. As stated the Obama move is BOLD, but it only works if there are followers, the elite liberal press will love this move, but what happens next is important, a leader can lead but if there are no troops behind, it does leave the Oval Office on a edgy cliff. One blow of wind from Cuba or Iran could taken down the Obama Presidency.