Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gingrich OUT - Next Tuesday

The Hill: Reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will leave the Republican Race on Tuesday and support the presumptive Republican Nominee Mitt Romney.

Lets Get Real:

It sad to say folks but Speaker Gingrich has not mattered for weeks, this departure was on the cards for weeks, there was no way Gingrich could win the Republican Nomination, also with the withdrawal of Rick Santorum the nomination was in the hands of Romney. Lets look to the general election campaign folks, Romney needs a VP that will bring the Christian Republicans and the Tea Party movement, but more important he needs a VP that will be a attack dog, someone who will take the fight to the Oval, someone that the main stream media will make public enemy No 1. Also the Republicans have to take in to account the Democratic Strategy of creating an impression that Republicans are at war with women. Thus Governor Romney needs a female VP, but someone that has been vetted and will not cause problems for the Nominee. As stated yesterday the Romney Campaign should think about selecting a VP early, its risky YES, but with risk comes reward, Romney could be in the Oval in 2013.

UK in Recession - Coalition Government

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that the UK is in a double dip recession.

Lets Get Real:

Folks its going to be hard few months if not years, the recent election in France shows that people are fed up with austerity, they want the good old days back, spending and spending. Well folks GET OVER IT, those gold days of economic growth is over. In France the electors have voted to take France over a economic cliff. In the Netherlands the EU faces a General Election. Also there are protests in the Czech Republic over the new austerity measures of the EU. As not to forget Greece, a recent poll had those Parties from the left and right that oppose the austerity plan of the Greek Government ahead of the Coalition Government in Athens. The cuts in the UK have barley started, the next few months could see eve more contraction in the economy, that has been the fate of EU Countries. The UK Coalition Government has to toughen it out, the Golden Goose is dead, and its eggs are rotten. Thus the UK Government needs more austerity, it has to cut Government to the bone, thus welfare has to be reformed. They Coalition has to be tough, why should 18 year old get any benefit, sounds harsh, it’s a harsh world folks. Also the NHS has to be reformed, charges should be bought in, the NHS gets billions and wants more billions, sooner or later there will be a need for major cuts, lets start with the NHS. The Welfare State is over folks, get used to that fact.

Murdoch, Brown was BONKERS

Telegraph Live - Leveson: Reports in its 12.48pm post that Rupert Murdoch has stated that former PM Gordon Brown went unbalanced when he learned that the Sun would support the Conservative Party.

Lets Get Real:

If your read the memoirs and diaries from the New Labour Era you get a very unsettling fact, that many within New Labour saw former PM Gordon Brown as close to bonkers as you can get without the men in white coats coming around for a visit. As to high morale ground now taken by Labour when it comes to Special Advisors, give me break, lets recall the most infamous remark by a Labour Special Advisor, that after 9/11 it would be a good day to bury bad news. Then the untrue gossip spread by one of Brown’s advisors, he had to be sacked. Those are the one that just come to mind, in his memoirs Tony Blair warned about jumping on the latest bandwagon, it seems that Ed Miliband has failed to learn that lesson. On the whole Murdoch 1 - Leveson 0.

Leveson = McCarthyism ?

BBC News Live - Leveson: Reports on the appearance of Rupert Murdoch at the Leveson Inquiry.

Lets Get Real:

Well folks today you have seen a modern version of McCarthyism, left wing Guardian agenda thrown at Mr Murdoch, it can argued that the Leveson Inquiry has lost the plot, it is not the business of a Judge in a Democracy who a Press Baron meets or does not meet, that is none of his business, it can argued that Lord Justice Leveson has become as bad at those that the Inquiry was meant to be looking at, nearly all the questions thrown at Mr Murdoch were based on some Guardian view of the past, and when Mr Murdoch stated that these ideas were myth, there was no evidence to prove he was not telling the truth, one can see Lord Justice allowing the Barrister to ask “ Have you even been Communist ”. The Leveson Inquiry was set up to look at phone hacking, it seems the case that sparked the Inquiry that there was no phone hacking as first thought, so why is this Inquiry still going on, another Bloody Sunday Inquiry, how much does a Barrister or Judge make per hour, doubt it’s the minimum wage. All power corrupts sooner or later folks.