Friday, April 26, 2019

Biden and the MONEY PROBLEM!! - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

In the New York Times it was reported that VP Biden started with ZERO in the bank, and was looking to get half million dollars in to the bank in the first 24 hours, this explains his trip to Democratic State of California, he is going to get the big money from Hollywood liberals, then hit the battleground States.  As noted in the above article the former VP does not like asking for money, well better get used to it and fast, if he wants to be competitive he has to set up a political operation in Iowa and New Hampshire, it can be taken as FACT that the other candidates have people on the ground already, it might even be argued that Biden has waited too LONG to get in the race, the Democrats who are nice to face will look for ways to get his poll numbers down, also the LEFT WING Democrats will want to make sure that Biden does not get the nomination, they want someone like Sanders or Warren, at a pinch Senator Kamala Harris, one does wish she would STOP saying sorry for her role as a prosecutor, there is an old lesson, never explain and never say sorry, it looks WEAK.  Also she wants get rid of private health care insurance, that will not go down well with voters after Obama's if you like your Doctor you can keep him or her.  This blog does like Mayor Pete ( still getting used his surname, ) but will the fly over States vote for a gay married President, this blog has its DOUBTS, even if the candidate has served in Afghanistan and does not want prisoners to have the vote.   The new polls with Biden in the race will be interesting, will his polls numbers go up, Beto was the golden boy when he entered the race, after that he polls have gone down, then it was Mayor Pete, he has increased his support, he tends to be third in most polls from Iowa and NH.   As stated it is a long way to go, there will be hundreds of polls before Iowa, perfect if you love politics. 

Joe Biden vs. Anita Hill - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus Joe Biden faces problems on two fronts, he has been accused of being to touchy feely with women, and his past history with Anita Hill over how she was treated when she gave negative information to the US Senate Judicial Committee when going through the confirmation process over Clarence Thomas.  It can be postulated that the other Democratic Candidates or their supporters will make this an issue.   Also it negates how hard Biden can attack Trump when it comes to sexual assault allegations against him, people in glass houses etc.  It would be interesting if Biden selected a running mate early, if it was a woman, from an ethnic background this would help, but it can be argued that it is to early for such a move, let's see how the Democratic Presidential debates go, will the sensible Joe to turn up or the gaffe candidate.   This is going to be an interesting Presidential race.