Thursday, April 24, 2008

Obama's friend the Terrorist as Teacher

City Journal: An article attacking the present role of Bill Ayers, his training of Teachers. Only in the United States would it seem normal to allow a TERRORIST to train future Teachers. If that was not bad enough, he using this as a way to transfer his political thoughts to the teachers of today and their students. As a Teacher I find that a DISGRACE.

Syria and the BOMB

New York Times: A interesting article on the Syrian Nuclear Reactor that was destroyed by Israel. The USA has a video that shows that North Korea was helping Syria. All this talk of having talks with N. Korea is a mistake, you cant trust them, you need a tough policy not some weak policy that was followed by the Clinton Administration.

Al Gore for POTUS

Boston Phoenix: Is Al Gore the solution to the Democratic Race? The Democrats could have their own West Wing President, and better, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, the West Wing President won it for Economics. But does Al want to give up Saint Hood for the Secret Service title of President of the United States, POTUS.

Reagan Democrats Redux

The Times ( UK ): Looks at the prospect that white working class Democrats, the backbone of the Reagan victories in 1980/84 might not be ready to vote for African - American Candidate. The article states the following, " Mr Obama may by unable to carry large industrial states with socially conservative white working-class populations simply because of his race. " Thus the article states that the Super Delegates, in smoked filled rooms, should put Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket, when she has less delegates and less of the popular vote, Florida and Michigan do not count. and place Obama as VP. The article is seems afraid that Democracy will get in the way of the Democrats winning. My question why should Obama take the VP spot when by votes he should be the nominee.

Reagan Democrats

New York Times: Argues that Obama will pick Reagan Democrats in a General Election. white working class voters. Although Clinton has a lock on this group, the LIBERAL NYT argues that Obama has a good chance with these voters and Independents. THE LIBERAL NYT IS REALLY GOING OUT OF ITS WAY TO SUPPORT OBAMA AND LIFT HIM OUT OF HIS RUN OF DEFEATS.

PA Delegate Count

CBS News: Reports that after all the millions spent by Obama and Clinton, the difference in delegates is only nine, Clinton has picked up eighty two and Obama has seventy three. What a way run an election.

London Times on Obama

The Times ( UK ): The result in PA has damaged Obama in the view of the Times. One gets the impression that the paper of record is building up the case for Hillary Clinton.

RCP Delegate Score Card

After PA, Clinton is still behind in the delegate count. RCP, has the following on the delegate count for the candidates. The total includes Super Delegates.

Obama 1721

Clinton 1590

Thus Clinton is one hundred and thirty one delegates behind. This is about the Super Delegates. Clinton has to destroy Obama to win, does she want to win that much and will the Democratic Party allow Obama to be taken down by the Clinton Machine.

Dick Morris on Clinton and 08

Bill Clinton's old political strategist, Dick Morris, on the Factor has stated this race is over, Obama will get the nomination, the essence the election cycle is a show, the Super Delegates wont over turn the pledge delegate support of Obama.

NYT and Pennsylvania

New York Times: One night your the victor, a double digit win, next your a bad winner. In the view of the Liberal New York Times, the Clinton victory last night was an " ..another inconclusive result..." in other words it only counts if the Obama wins. The Liberal Times is split, in its heart it supports Obama, but its political head tells it Clinton is the only Democrat that can win the general election. As Obama leads in the Delegate count and popular vote, one has to discount Florida and Michigan as they broke the rules, he should get the nomination, but the head is telling the Times that Obama cant cut it with Reagan Democrats, Clinton has won the big states, in other words the LIBERAL NEW YORK TIMES is having a break down, a lot like its lost sales. Thus we see Clinton win PA, the victory was seen as using the Republican methods, the Times writes the following, Clinton used " ...Karl Rove’s playbook.." That is not a compliment from the Times, but Rove helped President George W. Bush win in Texas as Governor and then as President in 2000 and 2004. Times get over yourself, Go Hillary.