Friday, November 18, 2022

Other Crisis - North Korea launches ICBM that could have reached the US - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The US really has to do something about North Korea, the Pyongyang Regime is pushing its luck, how many short and long range missiles does it have to launch before POTUS does something.   The security of the US is the main job of the President of the United States, the Biden Oval should make it clear, that if North Korea launches another long range missile then the US will shoot it down, and that if the North Korea has another nuclear test, the US will bomb the testing site, it's easier to have talks with North Korea when they understand that their games aver, and the US will not tolerate the actions of the Pyongyang any longer, the Bidne Oval has tried to TALK to North Korea and the reaction has been negative, North Korea thinks as long as China backs it, then the US will not do anything, the problem is that they are right, China is already fostering a NEW ASIA COLD WAR with the US over its military ambitions for Taiwan.  Thus  it is in the interest of China for the US to be diverted by the military games of North Korea, the US in their view will be weaker and thus might allow China to invade Taiwan, that would be a massive mistake by China, they would not be reading the tea leaves.  Biden wants a 2nd term, thus cannot allow for Chinese ambitions, thus the Biden Oval has two problem, North Korea and China, if the Biden Oval is strong with North Korea then China might get the message and back off.