Thursday, April 04, 2013

Missile Defence and North Korea - NK Crisis Update 4

The New York Times: Reports that the placing of a missile defence system on Guam will allow the US to move two of US Navy's " ..Aegis-class missile defense warships....which have radar and interceptor missiles, to be repositioned closer to the North Korean coast. ".

Lets Get Real:

The question that has to be asked is it a good idea, with all the hot rhetoric out of North Korea, the placing of a missile defence system in Guam and the moving of US Ships closer to North Korea could lead the North to making a rash move, thus far the Oval has played it cool with the the North, not allowing itself to be rattled, one gets the impression that that cool approach is getting frayed as there is more bluster out of the North.   The latest is that the North Korean Army has stated that it has been given the ALL clear to attack the US, this move by the US might lead the North to make a rash call, attack one of the South Korean Islands, test another nuclear bomb, or even try to test one of its ICBM's to see if it can reach the US.    The US should allow the North to finish with its hot air, there is not much now beyond military action that they can take, if they do that China will not support them, and the Stalinist Regime could fall, thus the US should play it cool, this Crisis has ALL the hallmarks of mistake waiting to happen down the line, lets see what happens folks. 

When War is NOT A WAR - NK Crisis Update 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks IF we discount the idea that North Korea is going to attack the US, what in the hell are they playing at, even if the Oval wanted to go softer on them it can not, due as mentioned to Middle East worries, also there are the 2014 Mid Terms next year and 2016 Presidential election, the Democrats do not want to lose their new image as semi hawks on national security, the President that gives the order to kill with the drones and gave the order to take out UBL in Pakistan does not want to look like Neville Chamberlain and appease North Korea after all its bluster, the North might be miss reading the US political outlook.  So what next, the US has sent out a missile shield to Guam, it has built up its military defence in Asia, the next move is out there for this blog, lets send Secretary Kerry to North Korea, to see what they want, he is the Secretary of State and is not running for public office in the near future, if Hillary Clinton was still at State she would never go, it would hurt the Clinton brand.   If Kerry can not go or wont, what about Jimmy Carter, in many respects this his mess, lets see if he can talk to the North, otherwise one of these days someone down the line will make a mistake, and millions could die.  Time for some chat folks, lets recall this blog is to the right of President Obama. 

North Korea and the Middle East - NK Crisis Update 2

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks if your in Israel and you had hoped to take President Obama at his word that he would protect Israel you have to question that, if the THAAD system was suppose to defend Israel, this Crisis diverts that defence and there is no way to say when it will end, the results of this present Crisis in Asia could be that Israel thinks that at the end of the day it can not be sure what the Oval will do, what if North Korea and Iran have a brain cell moment and attack at the same time, the North attacking the South, while Iran gets the 1st shot in a War with Israel, before Israel can take out its nuclear plants.  It is out there folks, that would take planning, and one would think that both the the CIA, Mossad, would be aware of such moves by these two rogue States.   The Oval stated that Iran is a year away from the bomb, the Israeli timeline is a lot shorter, one can argue 7 to 8 months, could the Oval deal with two wars, in Asia and the Middle East, lets hope we never find out folks, one is slightly worried about the answer these days. 

The US Military Stance vs. North Korea - NK Crisis Update 1

BBC News: Reports that the US has moved a missile defence system to Guam as to protect US interests against North Korean threats. 

Lets Get Real:

This blog has given the Obama Oval credit for the cool low way it has dealt with the bluster from North Korea, this move could be seen that the Oval has been caught up in the bluster from the Stalinist North Korea, any North Korean attack would be total madness, the US could wipe North Korea from the face of the earth, thus it can be argued that it does not need to get in to this verbal war of words with the North.    The North has told the US that it has given its military the green light to attack the US, the Oval should follow the example of President Kennedy in 1962 over the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Cubans shot down a US  U2 the US did not take action, thus the Obama should have waited before stating it would move this missile defence to Guam, now the North might feel the need to take some kind of military action, as stated, the North is not going to attack the US mainland, it might attack on the border between the North and the South, the US should make sure it it can control its ally should this happen, if the North tries to take over a small Island then the South will have no choice, and the US would have to support it, otherwise, lets see if the North does anything, this blog thinks not, and this blog hates to be wrong.