The New York Times: Reports that the placing of a missile defence system on Guam will allow the US to move two of US Navy's " ..Aegis-class missile defense warships....which have radar and interceptor missiles, to be repositioned closer to the North Korean coast. ".
Lets Get Real:
The question that has to be asked is it a good idea, with all the hot rhetoric out of North Korea, the placing of a missile defence system in Guam and the moving of US Ships closer to North Korea could lead the North to making a rash move, thus far the Oval has played it cool with the the North, not allowing itself to be rattled, one gets the impression that that cool approach is getting frayed as there is more bluster out of the North. The latest is that the North Korean Army has stated that it has been given the ALL clear to attack the US, this move by the US might lead the North to make a rash call, attack one of the South Korean Islands, test another nuclear bomb, or even try to test one of its ICBM's to see if it can reach the US. The US should allow the North to finish with its hot air, there is not much now beyond military action that they can take, if they do that China will not support them, and the Stalinist Regime could fall, thus the US should play it cool, this Crisis has ALL the hallmarks of mistake waiting to happen down the line, lets see what happens folks.