The New York Times: Reports on PM Tsipras broadcast to the Greek Nation, " Mr. Tsipras went on public television Wednesday afternoon, telling Greeks that they should vote no on the referendum to improve his negotiating position. "
Lets Get Real:
The Greek PM is bonkers, if the Greek people vote NO on July 5th they are out of the Euro even the EU. The Germans will not put up with any more BS from the Athens or its PM. The Germans are fed up with the Greeks, if the Greeks are not insulting them, the have their hand out for more money. It seems that the Greek government and half the population are not living in the REAL WORLD. The Greeks have to understand that they are owned by the Germans, without German Euros the Greeks would be international beggars, and why should the German tax payer pay for the political promises of a left wing government in Greece. It time for the Greeks to find their classical dignity before its to late, VOTE YES ON THE 5TH.