Wednesday, July 01, 2015

The Greek Referendum Vote - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greek PM is bonkers, if the Greek people vote NO on July 5th they are out of the Euro even the EU.   The Germans will not put up with any more BS from the Athens or its PM.   The Germans are fed up with the Greeks, if the Greeks are not insulting them, the have their hand out for more money.    It seems that the Greek government and half the population are not living in the REAL WORLD.    The Greeks have to understand that they are owned by the Germans, without German Euros the Greeks would be international beggars, and why should the German tax payer pay for the political promises of a left wing government in Greece.   It time for the Greeks to find their classical dignity before its to late, VOTE YES ON THE 5TH. 

Germany on Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

One does not blame the Germans, the German Chancellor faces going back to the German Parliament and asking for more money for Greece, while the leadership of Greece has been very abusive about Germany, bringing up the Second War War as a way to hammer the Germans.   The German tax payer can not pay the pills for the left wing government in Greece, if they start doing that there will be calls from other Countries for the Germans to pay for the political promises of left wing parties.   The Greeks have to learn a hard lesson,  the days of the generous welfare state is over, the Greeks have to work for every Euro, pensions have to be be limited, people will get hurt, that is a fact of life. Grow Up Greeks. 

The US and the Greek Crisis - Greek Update

Lets Get Real:

There are two reasons the White House want the Greek crisis over, the first is that people will notice that the US with its debt is heading the way of Greece, and the bank manager that US has is China, the vary same Country that wants to expand in Asia, while the Obama Administrations turns it attention to Asia for economic development and for its defence posture,    The other reason is the worry of the unknowns, what if Greece falls apart, how will that touch other economic markets and how much of a hit will the West in the shape of the US take, thus real and political reasons for US when it comes to Greece.     The problem faced by the US is that no one takes Obama as a heavy hitter, he is seen as weak and deluded to be honest, thus what ever influence US had in Europe is gone due to President Obama. 

The Hillary Clinton Emails - The Clinton Server Scandal

Lets Get Real:

No wonder the Hillary Clinton Campaign has banned the Daily Mail reporter from the HRC campaign bus, the Clintons can not control ALL the press, they have a press that favours them, the elite liberal press will defend the Clintons no matter what, lets hope that other papers and new channels digs the dirt on the Clintons, they are tied to scandal, they know nothing else and will twist the law to fit their view of events.   It will be interesting to see how the media deals with the latest Clinton emails.   The long race for the White House has started, at least this blog can get off Greece for a while, US politics is more fun.   At present it looks like HRC will be the Democratic nominee, the rest are far behind and as stated the HRC campaign is being protected by the elite media.