Wednesday, October 16, 2019

House Rebukes POTUS over Syria and Turkey - 2020 US Election

The Hill: Reports the following on the resolution, " The measure passed in a 354-60 vote "

Lets Get Real:

One assumes this resolution will be passed by the US Senate or something like it.  The Trump White House can not afford to burn its bridges with the Republicans in the US Senate, POTUS will need them to find him not guilty when he is impeached.  The Trump foreign policy is just madness, it undercuts US security  and Trump is doing what Obama did in Iraq, the removal of US troops lead to the formation of Daesh.  The Trump Oval is coming across as weak and with no long term policy goals at all, with the exception of getting Trump re-elected in 2020.   The way POTUS is acting, it cast serious doubts of him getting re-elected, Senator Warren just might have a chance in 2020. 

Trump's Madness over Syria and Turkey - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The late Presidents Kennedy and Reagan must be turning in their graves, an American President has removed troops from Syria and welcomes that the Russians are taking over.  The OLD Republican Party of Reagan was about strong national security, the Trump Republican Party is about appeasing the enemy and not supporting US allies.   At their debate last night the Democrats sounded more hawkish than Trump, let's get real, if asked in 1975 would these candidates have supporting keeping troops in Southern Vietnam, many hundreds of thousands of US allies were left in the Country when the LIBERAL US Congress cut off monies to help Southern Vietnam fighting, while it was a LIBERAL Congress that cut off military support to the Contra freedom fighters in Nicaragua.   The Democrats are only hawks in name only, do you really trust them with US security, look at Obama taking US troops out of Iraq and the formation of Daesh, the US has to send troops back in to Iraq.   The World needs US leadership, thus far neither Republicans or Democrats seem to get that message. 

A Brexit Deal Update - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus one can see the plan, a long night for diplomats, Cabine tomorrow and then a PM statement in the afternoon, or course this depends on no last minute hangups, and when it comes to Northern Ireland, there always problems. If PM Boris can get a deal and get it through the House of Commons, then he will be seen as a political great, of course he has to be lucky, we shall if the wannabe successor to Churchill and Thatcher can be that successful. It seems very tense few hours for the poor UK voter.

A UK/EU Deal is close - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It seems a DEAL is close, if a deal is done between the UK and the EU, the UK PM will have to get the ERG ( hardline brexit supporters ) the rest of Conservative MPs and those Conservatives who had the whip removed ( Remainers ) and a few Labour MPs to vote for the agreement to get passed in the House of Commons.   The next few HOURS and DAYS will be interesting, it could be  a VERY long night in London and Brussels.   A EU Summit starts tomorrow and then we have the sitting of the House of Commons on Saturday.  Let's hope this ends the Brexit mess.