Friday, February 23, 2018

North Korea Update - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This above should remained North Korea that the US has not dropped the ball when it comes to North Korea, thus far North Korea has behaved, no nuclear tests or missile tests while the Winter Olympics is on, that is good, but that does not mean that the North Korean crisis is over.   The US can not allow North Korea to become a full nuclear power, the ability to place a nuclear warhead on a missile.   That would be a direct threat to the US.   It will be interesting to see how the Countries in the area react, will North Korea try a nuclear test or missile test, what will China say, one can expect support from Japan.   The one Country that might have a problem is South Korea, they want a quiet life, but they can not with North Korea as a threat.

PM May and Brexit - Brexit Update 5 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK PM under pressure from the moaning remainers in the Conservative Party and the extreme remainers in the Labour Party, even Corbyn has sold out is own views as to keep the remainers happy.   The PM has to be firm, the one thing that Conservative MPs do not want is a GENERAL ELECTION, that should place the fear of God in to them, or a word from the Chief Whip.   The Conservative back benches have to be taught a lesson, if the Government losses on the Customs Union then there will be a general election.   Democracy is good, but also good to keep the troops in line. 

PM May and Brexit - Brexit Update 4 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

There are two roadblocks to the May plan for the EU, the first is the House of Commons, according the numbers is seems that the moaning remainers and the Labour Party could thwart the Government when it comes to remaining in the Customs Union.   Then we have the EU, the EU has stated that the May plan will not fly, thus checkmate.    The Conservative Whip will need to get his/her; ( and not in a good way!!!); Whip out or his/her private files on the MPs, that what a Chief Whip does, also place the fear of God in to them, with a threat of a General Election.   The House of Commons will be sovereign for a short time. 

Labour to Betray its Northern Roots - Brexit Update 3 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus Labour will betray its northern roots as to keeping the moaning remainers happy, this push by the LONDON elite shows how out of touch the Labour Party under Corbyn has become.   This blog is calling for a general election, then the British voter will have a stark choice, either vote for a hard Brexit or to stay within the EU.  What is the point of leaving the EU if you are still stuck to its rules.   The Government policy is a mess, and the House of Commons is out of control, time for democracy to decide the fate of the UK. 

Brexit and the House of Commons - Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus if the numbers are right, the moaning remainers in the Conservative Party and the Labour Party could force the Government to stay within the Customs Union.  The Conservative Chief Whip has to get his/her whip out and start to get the Moaning remainers in line, and the PM should threaten a General Election, the threat of an election is a great way to get MPs to understand the process you want, also if you threaten to de-select them, that always works.  The British Voter wants out of the EU, it does not want to be tied to the EU.  Time for democracy work, the the will of the elite in London and on BBC/Sky News should not be the final say.

Brexit Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The plan agreed by the PM and Cabinet last night has been rejected by the EU.   Thus the EU and the UK will be talking about scripts when they meet.   Also if the full Cabinet agrees to leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market they face opposition in the House of Commons, there are enough moaning remainers and the Labour Party to out vote the Government on the issue of the Customs Union.   Thus those that support HARD BREXIT will have to be happy to be out of the EU, but stuck in the Customs Union, without power to dissent or change the rules.   The UK voter did not vote for this, the voters at the next general election will have a clear choice between a Conservative Party that wants out of EU and the Labour Party that wants to remain.