Courtesy of the White House: President Obama
The Hill: Dick Morris former Political Advisor to Bill Clinton has a look at the Obama ratings after the first one hundred days. The main advice to the President, Poll ratings that high can go down. Thus after one hundred days what is the score card for President Obama, lets start with the good news, the apology tour has gone down well with the American Left. The take over of the banks and the motor industry also goes down well. The USA has entered the same land as the UK in the 1970s when it was the sick man of Europe. Lets see how long those high ratings last. Now lets go to Foreign Policy, the apology tour has not gone down well with Republicans and Conservative Moderates. The President seems to think that nothing in American Foreign Policy matters before he was born. I guess World War 1, the Russian Revolution, World War 2, Cold War does not get on his radar as they happened before he was born. The Presidents needs to say sorry for everything and not to stress what the USA has achieved over the years is somewhat depressing. On Intelligence matters the President has done worse, he has sold out the CIA to get some good press in the Liberal New York Times. It seems that his individual conscience matters more than the security of the United States. Thus lets move on to his active Foreign Policy mistakes, the big one is Afghanistan, the President has sent an extra twenty one thousand troops to the graveyard of Empires. The President should have send the troops to Pakistan. The threat to Western Security is Pakistan, if the Taliban take Pakistan and their nuclear weapons, its a all new ball game. Also the failure to act over North Kora and Iran has shown that Obama is weak. These two countries will be a major threat over the years. Thus it can be argued that Obama has allowed the USA to be liked at the cost of her National Security.