Tuesday, March 02, 2010

No to Yes - Health Care Reform

Fox News: Reports that nine Democratic members of the House of Representatives could change their NO votes to Yes for health care reform. The Republicans should pray that the Democrats use the 51 nuclear option in the US Senate and ram through health care reform in the House, this would allow the Republicans to campaign on one clear issue, the repeal of of Obama Care, the tax hikes and the demand that Americans buy insurance will allow the Republicans to retake the House and block the Obama Agenda. If Obama is foolish enough to go down this route the Republicans should build him an Alter, a fake star for a fake alter, love the irony. The one thing that can be stated almost as a fact is that Obama is a one hit wonder as they say in the pop world. At the start of the Obama Presidency he had the chance to bring the country together, but he has become a hostage of the liberal leadership of the House and Senate, Obama is no LBJ.

Votes in the House - Health Care Reform

Slate: Reports on the voting patterns in the House of Representatives, the article states that Speaker Pelosi will have a hard time getting the votes, as stated in the NYT it comes down to Democrats who oppose abortion and those that think that the Bill will bankrupt the country. At the end of the day the heavy lift will have to come from the Oval, Obama will have to find his inner LBJ. In other words its down to what House members want, do they need money for their individual races, do they want the White House to get jobs for their friends, do they need Obama not come to their district in the Mid Terms. Or even more hard ball does the White House have any political dirt on House members, sleeping with their secretaries, tax avoidance, mob connections, etc. If so the Oval will have to use this dirt, its about winning not coming second. This is hard ball politics, lets put aside the issue of health care reform, lets look at the process, Obama needs a win, thus it time to put away his moderator hat and place his Chicago hat on, find what is the weakness of the voter you need and feed that weakness, leave the morality at the door. As the article states in less Pelosi can turn some votes the bill will " almost certainly fail. " This would be a crushing defeat for Obama, thus as Reagan rented House votes the Obama White House has to play hardball, otherwise the Democrats will lose the House in 2010 and the Presidency in 2012. Its real politics folks, that is what this blog would do if in the Obama White House.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that another British soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " 3rd Battalion The Rifles ". This is the second death in two days, in 2009 the UK lost three soldiers for the month of March. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 268 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 235 in combat operations and 33 due to illines, accidents or other incidents.