Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Conservatives lead by 17% - New Poll - Campaign Trail 33 - GE2017

Lets Get Real:

This is a good poll, a 17% lead, but it is down from a poll that had the Conservatives on 22%.  The Conservative Party must act as if it is ten points behind, it has to fight for every vote.   The left wing media, the BBC and Guardian, will soft peddle Labour aims when it comes to defence and immigration.   They always skip the fact that Corbyn has stated that he would never press the nuclear button and believes that there should be no control on immigration.   The Conservatives can not take the election for granted, they must knock on doors and get people out, people during these sunny months do not like to think about politics, they have to wake up to the fact that Corby could win the election.  The Conservatives need EVERY vote. 

Clinton fired his FBI Director - Update 4 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As I recall watching CNN and Fox News last night, no one mentioned the fact that Bill Clinton was the first President to fire a FBI Director, wonder why none of the commentators on CNN mentioned the fact, could it be that the LIBERAL PRESS thought it did not matter, or had they just forgotten.   The LIBERAL media will go bonkers, they have started to call it another Watergate, and demand a special investigation, in this CASE they would be right, get the investigation out of politics, that means that a special prosecutor who is not seen as having a political bias, that will not be easy in D.C.  In wonder how many commentators will mention the Clinton sacking tonight, they would not want to be accused of media bias would they, it would confirm the low level estimation that the liberal media is held by the US voter. 

Is Trump another Nixon ? - Update 3 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes even President Nixon was to scared to sack the first Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, in the Hoover period the Presidents knew he had the dirt on them and would release it if he become under threat.   It can be argued that is why President Kennedy did not sack Hoover, the Director had dirt on both the President and his father.  There is something to be said for a President being afraid of his FBI Director, of course if you place your brother as Attorney General as JFK did it is a controlled threat.   This blog has argued in other posts that since Comey has made plenty enemies with the Democratic ranks it would have been easier to keep him on, but when he asked for more money and staff to investigate the Trump Campaign of 2016 he become a THREAT, and thus the very public sacking.  One hopes the Republicans will be brave to support an independent investigation, if Trump is forced to resign then the Republicans get a real Conservative in the shape of VP Pence, not a bad result out of this mess. 

Trump on Comey - Update 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF EX - Director Comey was doing a BAD JOB, why not fire him at the start of the Administration, why wait, a broken back Director has his uses, he can take the political fire for the President.   The reason to fire him comes up after he has asked for money and staff to investigate the Russian connection to the Trump Campaign of 2016.   Thus the White House stated that Comey was fired due to his actions when it comes to Hillary Clinton and her emails.  This was during the Obama Presidency, surely if he had broken the rules the Obama Oval would have fired him, of course it can be argued that President Obama could not fire Comey as he was looking to how HRC used her private server and the classified nature of those emails.   Thus the Democrats are now coming out in defence of Comey, while asking for a special prosecutor, in this case they are right. 

The Comey Firing - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

When this blog head that the FBI Director has been fired last night, it removed any doubts that this blog might have had in support of the Trump Oval.   Why would you fire someone who has shown that he does not understand the politics of D.C, better to keep him on and use him as a defence against the Democrats, the only reason to fire him would be if he was getting to close to a target in the Oval or near the Oval.   The latest report from the NYT that the Director was asking for more money and staff as to investigate the Russian connection into the US elections of 2016 show that that Oval Office had gotten worried that it was the next target, then it decided to act like Richard Nixon, fire the problem, the Democrats are correct to call for an special prosecutor.   One can not trust the present President or his appointed staff.