Wednesday, February 03, 2010

No Nuclear Option on Health Care Reform by Dems ?

The Hill: Reports that Senate Republicans could have found a way to block the Democrats using reconciliation as way to push through health care reform, they can offer amendments till hell freezes over. This would be the ultimate stand off between the Democrats and the Republicans in the Senate in an election year, the Republicans have the wind at their back, they have won a few major State elections and the issue has been health care reform, the question is can liberals in the Senate count on their fellow Democrats to back up them up, do the Democrats want to spend time on health care reform or jobs, if the Democrats want to keep control of Congress the issue has to be jobs, jobs,jobs. One gets the feeling that the Mass vote has really sent the White House and liberal leaders in Congress bonkers, they are like addictive gamblers, just one more bet, the problem is that is bet is always a loser. One can see moderate and conservative Democrats in the Senate making it clear to their leadership that its over, and that its time to move on from health care reform.

Health Care Reform in Parts - Speaker Pelosi

CNN: Reports that the House of Representatives will debate parts of the health care reform bill next week, the House will try to remove legal protections from the health industry, the move is seen as cutting costs. The question is will the Senate even take it up, the Senate really wants to move on to jobs, jobs, and jobs. The US Senate does not want to get dragged back in to the debate about health care reform. The problem with the House is that the leadership could push anything through but its dead in the Senate. It seems the Mass vote passed by the liberal leaders in Congress.

US Soldiers killed in Pakistan

BBC News: Reports on the first deaths of three US soldiers in Pakistan. This could be a new strategy by the Taliban of Pakistan, both the US and the Government of Pakistan want US presence in Pakistan to be very much under the radar, but this kind of incident if starts a trend could cause problems for the Obama Administration with its left wing and the Government in Islamabad could fall if the people of Pakistan think they have be invaded under the radar by the US. Thus Pakistan could blow up at any moment, this would be a disaster, an insurgent war in Afghanistan and Pakistan could strain the US and NATO to breaking point. Lets hope this does not start a trend folks.

Obama on his Agenda

The New York Times: Reports on President Obama's comments to Senate Democrats, the President stressed jobs should be the main priority, the article states the following, " While he implored Congress to press forward on health care legislation, he said initiatives to create jobs should also take priority. " This is why health care reform is dead folks, by the time the Congress is finished with the Budget and getting more people back to work you will have the Mid Term Congressional Elections, the House and the Senate are not going to commit political suicide to make President Obama feel happy. Thus Health Care Reform will gather dust somewhere, of course the liberal leadership in Congress could be mad, they could try to push health care reform, but the cost would be the loss of Congress and the Republicans in control, neither the White House or the Democrats on the Hill want that outcome, thus the reform is dead for this year, the Obama White House has to stress jobs, jobs and jobs for the next eight months if they want to keep Congress.


Guardian: Reports on the prequel to BSG, Caprica. Folks if you love good drama that makes you think then watch Caprica, yes if your a fan you know how it ends, but that does not matter, it has an excellent cast and the scripts are great. In many respects its human technology a few years ahead, if you have seen Avatar in the cinema we might not be that far from having a virtual world as seen in Caprica. Thank the Gods for Carpica and Mad Men, and Dr Who next year, the world is not that bad after all, SO SAY WE ALL.

Playing for TIME - Iran

BBC News: Reports President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has offered to carry on with its nuclear deal with the IAEA. This is bull folks, the Tehran Regime is playing for time, it wants to cause divisions within the UN Security Council, start endless talks and then announce to the world that it has the bomb. The Obama Administration should carry on with its plan for tough sanctions against Iran, otherwise Iran will use the time for endless talks and then the Middle East will have to deal with a nuclear armed Iran. Also lets recall President Ahmadinejad needs the bomb to keep his government in power, the internal pressures can only be thwarted if Iran is in a direct and indirect confrontation with the USA. The USA does not need to play this game with Iran, make the Tehran regime hurt, place tough and heavy sanctions on the regime.

Another 9/11 ?

The Hill: Reports that the US Intelligence Agencies believe that Al Qaeda will try another another terrorists attempt in months. Lets hope the CIA is on its top game, the next time it might not be a lone terrorist on a plane but a dirty bomb in New York or Washington D.C, or a nuclear device that takes out an American city or in Europe. The terrorists only have to get lucky once, thus lets hope the CIA and MI6 are connecting the dots and taking out terrorists by what ever means, at the end of the day the first duty of government is to protect its people, not the rights of the terrorists.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the names of the soldiers killed of late in Afghanistan, the soldiers were " Corporal Liam Riley and Lance Corporal Graham Shaw from 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment (3 YORKS) " Our thoughts are with the families of these heroic soldiers.