Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trump LEADS Republican Field in a new Poll

Lets Get Real:

It is early voter, no need to worry yet, one can see the ego of Trump fraying after months on the Campaign trail, and then there are the debates to go through.   The Republicans should choose either Governors Bush or Walker as their nominee, this blog favours Jeb Bush, he has been a Governor and has a family that he can fall back on in a crisis.   Thus watch the race its fun, the serious business starts later on in the year. 

Clinton email scandal is Criminal - Trump

Lets Get Real:

The Clintons have to hand over their server to clear ALL this mess, the idea that the World should take the word of Hillary Clinton would be funny if it was not so serious.   The Trump is right, if this was anyone else the liberal media would be  ALL over it, just think Richard Nixon and how the press would have reacted if he had burned half his tapes, by stating that they were just personal stuff, it would be on the news 24/7.  On the other and this blog has made it clear if Trump gets the Republican nomination it will support HRC 24/7.    The world is to serious at this moment to help the Trump ego.