Monday, November 23, 2015

Cameron and Syria - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Government should be bombing Syria right now, the House of Commons can wait, they have been slow and have shown a Iraqi War complex, last time they allowed Assad to get away with the use of WMD on his own people, this time the threat is Daesh. One can only hope THIS TIME that the Commons saws some backbone and supports the government.  It can be expected that Labour MPs will go against their leader as Jeremy Corbyn has been a disaster when it comes to foreign policy, the UK voter would be under severe threat if Corbyn ever came close to power.    THUS MPs STAND AND SUPPORT THE GOVERNMENT. 

Cameron and Defence - Defence Spending

Lets Get Real

It is the first job of government is to protect the people. its the first business for any Conservative Government, the next issue is law and order, there are suggestions that the Police will face cuts, a true blue Conservative Government should always support the police, you need them for domestic problems, such as strikes.   The Cameron Government should go after those on welfare, it is still far to easy to game the system, on the other hand the Government should be seen to look after those with a real disability or mental health issues, on this the government has to been to hard, we should have a two child policy per family, if they have more they should NOT GET ANY more money, its harsh but it will send a message.  Times are hard.