Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Iran the OTHER CRISIS - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval is occupied by a APPESEAR, he allowed the Taliban to WIN in Afghanistan, wants talks with North Korea who is breaking every UN Resolution, will not send troops in to the Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion and NOW the Biden Administration is looking for WAYS to get a DEAL with the Tehran Government, anyone with a brain cell knows that Tehran has been looking at North Korea, the US cannot react to North Korean violations of the UN resolutions because its has the bomb, thus Tehran knows for its rule to go on it needs the bomb, otherwise looked what happened to the Ukraine, it gave up its nukes in the 1990s, it was supposed to be protected by the West and Russia, well there are over a hundred thousand troops on the Ukraine - Russian border about to invade.  Thus the LESSON is that if you have a nukes you keep them, it keeps you safe, one sure Kiev thinks NOW it should have kept its nukes.  Israel prevented Iraq in 1981 getting a bomb also Syria in 2007, will it NOW have to bomb Iran, to protect itself and the WEST.  One hopes that the MOSSAD has it eyes and ears open, I trust MOSSAD over the CIA and MI6 ON this subject.

Belarus Factor - Ukraine Crisis Part 3

Lets Get Real:

This is waiting game, the Russians are waiting for the ground on the Ukraine and Russian border to harden, they want to move their tanks, it has been suggested that the Russians tanks will go through the Chernobyl Zone, one hopes the Russians do not start firing at that, we do not want to see radiation coming OUT.  It is reported that this would be the DIRECT route to Kiev, the 24 hour news channels have shown the brave people of the Ukraine training with wooden guns, the West, WELL the US and UK should send arms, the Germans have sent HATS, yes really hats.  They are still trying to carry favour with the tyrant in the Kremlin, will they never learn.  The UK PM will visit the Ukraine today, if he had any backbone he would place troops in the Ukraine, this would make Putin call off the invasion, but this will not happen, modern leaders have not learned from Churchill and Thatcher and Reagan calling out the old the USSR as the Evil Empire.  Putin can smell weakness and he is ready to ACT.

The Russian Forces have been SET, just waiting for the War - Ukraine Crisis Part 2

Lets Get Real:

After PartyGate the PM is off to the Ukraine, in many respects the crisis of the Ukraine - Russian border is more serious that who attended a Party at the flat of the PM in 10 Downing Street, they are treating it like the Great Train Robbery, it does not matter if the PM held parties or NOT, it would not have killed or saved anyone who has died, and let's recall the PM had a close call with COVID - 19.  It will be interesting to see what comes of the meeting between the PM and the Ukraine President, will the UK send more lethal weapons to the KIEV Government, and how in other ways can the UK help the Ukraine, they are the line between the West and Russia.  This is the Czech Crisis of 1938/39, either the UK stands up to Putin or we could face WAR down the line.  Someone of our MPs really need to get a grip, they have lost the plot a bit.   This Blog was critical of the PM after Afghanistan, but on most big things he has been right, give him a break. 

The FAILURE of the UN - Ukraine Crisis

BBC News: Reports " There have been angry clashes between Russian and US envoys at the UN Security Council, after the US called a meeting to discuss Moscow's troop build-up on its borders with Ukraine.  "

Lets Get Real:

The UN is not the place to solve a international crisis, its the place to go through the motions, show that you have tried, the Kremlin wants NATO to say that the Ukraine will never join NATO and NATO troops in Eastern European States in NATO will have them removed.  The Kremlin wants to go back to pre 1997, they want to influence EASTERN EUROPE.  The Russian Demands cannot be met by the West, it would destroy NATO.  Thus this crisis can end in two ways, the Kremlin under Putin tucks its tail behind its legs and returns troops to their bases or they invade.  The placement of around one hundred and thirty thousand troops, air and navy personnel means that it looks like WAR.  It just a matter of waiting for the land to get hard on the border for the Russians tanks to MOVE.  One hopes the Ukraine people will FIGHT unlike the people of Afghanistan, and that the West will support any insurgence against Russia, like Afghanistan after 1979.