Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Iran the OTHER CRISIS - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval is occupied by a APPESEAR, he allowed the Taliban to WIN in Afghanistan, wants talks with North Korea who is breaking every UN Resolution, will not send troops in to the Ukraine to prevent a Russian invasion and NOW the Biden Administration is looking for WAYS to get a DEAL with the Tehran Government, anyone with a brain cell knows that Tehran has been looking at North Korea, the US cannot react to North Korean violations of the UN resolutions because its has the bomb, thus Tehran knows for its rule to go on it needs the bomb, otherwise looked what happened to the Ukraine, it gave up its nukes in the 1990s, it was supposed to be protected by the West and Russia, well there are over a hundred thousand troops on the Ukraine - Russian border about to invade.  Thus the LESSON is that if you have a nukes you keep them, it keeps you safe, one sure Kiev thinks NOW it should have kept its nukes.  Israel prevented Iraq in 1981 getting a bomb also Syria in 2007, will it NOW have to bomb Iran, to protect itself and the WEST.  One hopes that the MOSSAD has it eyes and ears open, I trust MOSSAD over the CIA and MI6 ON this subject.

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