Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The DUP and May's Brexit Plan - Brexit Update 4 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As can be seen by the right wing papers they are opposed to an extension of the transition period, one can assume that members of the Cabinet will also be opposed to any more concessions.  The FACT is that the PM will face a CHOICE, sooner or later, there is only so much road let, will there be a deal or NO DEAL.   The PM should pick the no deal option.  Otherwise she might find that she is out of the office and out of power. 

Hard Brexit Supporters backlash to transition extension - Brexit Update 3 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus us news junkies could face another eight weeks of Brexit talks, if that does not send you to sleep nothing will.   The PM will need to keep her Cabinet together, find some kind of words that work for the Cabinet, the House of Commons, the EU and the Republic of Ireland.   The two sides want different things, the EU wants to punish the UK for leaving their beloved EU while the UK wants the benefits of the EU while not being in the EU.   One would think that the highly paid diplomats would have gotten some idea on how to do this,  after all this is THEIR job.   As stated the blog wants the PM to pull the plug on the EU, why is she keeping trying, there is no good solution. 

No EU Summit in November - Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

From Sky News reporting it seems we are heading for a Summit in December, as the EU Brexit team needs more than just a couple of weeks. This is the EU and the UK pushing the problem down the road in till the New Year. Those in Parliament will think that they are being pushed to agree to any agreement that comes down the road, there will be no time for real debate on the issues. Thus you can expect more problems for the UK Government when it comes to the HARD BREXIT SUPPORTERS and the HARD REMAINERS. These endless talks almost seem drive to drive you nuts!!!

The Anti Climax of the EU Summit - Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This last few days were meant to see the end of the Brexit talks, today was the day that the EU was meant to green light a Summit in November, that might still happen, but more to agree a road map for the prospect of a NO DEAL.    This Brexit junkie is lucky that he has a psychologist and medicated tablets, how the news reporters cope with sudden surge and then nothing at the end, it must be depressing.   This blogger has suggested that the PM just say it's going to be a NO DEAL and give the money that was going to the EU to the NHS.   It is time to show Europe that we do not need them, they need us more than we need them, God help the Eastern European Countries if Russia makes a move, do they expect help from the French.