Guardian: Reports on the new tactic by REMAINERS to thwart Brexit, " Three MPs have told the Guardian that one method under discussion is for members to amend the motion needed for parliament to break for party conferences in mid-September. "
Lets Get Real:
The REMAIN MPs will use any underhand method, thus if PM Boris Johnson loses a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE, he should not resign, why should he follow custom when the Remainers use any dirty trick they can and have the support of the very biased Speaker. The PM should call for a General Election on the 3rd of September, force the Opposition to do a coup and place Jeremy Corbyn in power, let's see how long that lasts, even moderate Leave MPs in Labour could not with good conscience vote for Corbyn to be PM, our defence would be a joke, even North Korea could threaten us, politics has gone silly since Brexit.
The PM needs to frame the general election as the people vs the elites in Parliament, that would decide Brexit one way or another. Also will moderate Labour MPs really tell voters that they will vote to place Corbyn in No 10, if they do then they betray the Labour Party and the Country, there are limits to Party loyalty.