Guardian: Reports the following opinion article, " The ERG and DUP either swallow their objections and vote for May’s deal, or they face the prospect of a long delay to Brexit – perhaps for the best part of two years..That is the stark, binary choice May has always wanted to press upon the Brexiters "
Lets Get Real:
This blog doubts that PM May is that devious, she is hardly an FU from the Original UK version of the House of Cards. If she was in the JR Ewing school of being devious she would have failed. One can still see the HARD BREXIT MPs throwing victory away because they are fighting for a hill when the WAR could have been won. This blog has been hard on BREXIT AND REMAINER supporters, neither have shown that they understand democracy. The Hard REMAINERS since 2016 have been trying to undermine Brexit, in this they have been helped by HARD REMAINERS in the Conservative and Labour Parties. Also a VERY Bias Speaker of the House of Commons. On the HARD BREXIT side the HARD BREXIT MPs cannot take YES for answer, they want THEIR Brexit, and nothing else, they do not understand how to COUNT. This blog might give up voting, as it does not matter, our MPs have shown that they do not understand the Brexit Vote on 2016, a pure form of DEMOCRACY. They think Brexit supporters are stupid, do not understand high politics, do not understand business, in other words we are PLEBS, we have to TOLD what is RIGHT. There needs to be a new political party, a BREXIT Party, that will follow the wishes of the UK VOTER. Of course it will never be successful, we have first past the post voting, it prevents extremes but also prevents the Ancient Regime of House of Commons from changing. A SAY DAY FOR DEMOCRACY, IT DIED A BIT TODAY, I HOPE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS MPS ARE PROUD OF THEMSELVES, FUTURE HISTORIANS WILL NOT BE KIND.