Thursday, March 14, 2019

Did May have a DEVIOUS Master Plan ? - Brexit Update 3 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This blog doubts that PM May is that devious, she is hardly an FU from the Original UK version of the House of Cards.  If she was in the JR Ewing school of being devious she would have failed.   One can still see the HARD BREXIT MPs throwing victory away because they are fighting for a hill when the WAR could have been won.  This blog has been hard on BREXIT AND REMAINER supporters, neither have shown that they understand democracy.  The Hard REMAINERS since 2016 have been trying to undermine Brexit, in this they have been helped by HARD REMAINERS in the Conservative and Labour Parties.  Also a VERY Bias Speaker of the House of Commons.  On the HARD BREXIT side the HARD BREXIT MPs cannot take YES for answer, they want THEIR Brexit, and nothing else, they do not understand how to COUNT.   This blog might give up voting, as it does not matter, our MPs have shown that they do not understand the Brexit Vote on 2016, a pure form of DEMOCRACY.  They think Brexit supporters are stupid, do not understand high politics, do not understand business, in other words we are PLEBS, we have to TOLD what is RIGHT.   There needs to be a new political party, a BREXIT Party, that will follow the wishes of the UK VOTER.  Of course it will never be successful, we have first past the post voting, it prevents extremes but also prevents the Ancient Regime of House of Commons from changing.  A SAY DAY FOR DEMOCRACY, IT DIED A BIT TODAY, I HOPE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS MPS ARE PROUD OF THEMSELVES, FUTURE HISTORIANS WILL NOT BE KIND. 

Beto RUNNING in 2020 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The first impression one gets of Beto O'Rourke is that he reminds you of RFK, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, that this could be 2008 ALL OVER AGAIN.  If your a West Wing fan you will recall Representative Santos vs. Senator Vinick.   The difference is that Beto, he has a catchy name, comes across as a hippie of the 21st Century, he keeps telling us his thought process and tells everyone on social media.   At former Vice - President Joe Biden does not pander like that, he just says sorry for his past mistakes when it comes to policy and his foot in the mouth problem.   Although Beto, it's easier to recall than Barack, LOST in his Texas Senate race, President Obama got elected to the US Senate, he did not spend that much time in the Senate as he was running for the Presidency, one doubts that President Obama could tell you where his Senate Office was, he was NEVER THERE, he was in Iowa or NH.   At the end of the day Beto LOST, also he has free wheeling style as stated in the article, he speeches come when he is talking, did not have a conventional campaign structure, you need that in a Presidential Campaign.   Also has he really be tested, and has his background been researched, you can be sure the Trump Campaign will do a tough research job.  One recalls at the start of the 21st Century that John Edwards was the darling of the US media, all over the magazines and TV news, we all know how that ended, Edwards being found out by the National Enquire.   That came after he was nominated to be to the VP to John Kerry who was running for President in 2004.  New candidates need to be tested or their failings will be found out, look at the Governor of Virginia, the Lt Governor and the Attorney General.  Uber liberal media, fall in love yes, but know who you are falling in love with. 

What will the EU say about the UK Request for a Delay? - Brexit Update 2 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

The above is logical, but then the EU gave us the Euro and look what happened to Greece. The EU does not want the Brexit battle to play out during the European Parliamentary Elections, it could lead to the election of far right candidates who HATE the EU, also they do not want to see the UK have elections that would allow the UK voter to punish those Parties that have stopped BREXIT. Thus Brussels must be hoping that the MV3 goes through, otherwise they need all 27 Countries to approve a long delay, also as stated above it would become an election issue. Let's recall the EU has been listening to Tony Blair, hardly the most popular man in the UK, 1997 was a long time ago. To think we could have been out of the EU by the end of this MONTH. The UK needs a new Brexit Party, not the UKIP they have gone off the deep end, they are on the extreme right. Thank goodness the UK has first past the post system, it prevents minor extreme Parties from growing. If the MV3 goes down expect a SOFT BREXIT or revoking of ARTICLE 50, in other words the HARD REMAINERS have won, as predicted in this blog.

NO BREXIT Day on 29.3.2019 - Brexit Update 1 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

It has been a BAD WEEK for the PM, she lost her meaningful vote 2 on the 12 March, the following day lost the vote on a NO DEAL BREXIT, BUT today she has had a good day.  The PM controls the Parliamentary Agenda for a week, she is going to the EU Summit to request a delay in Brexit, it could be a short delay or a long delay, it depends if she can get her meaningful vote 3 through the House of Commons.   It seems that the DUP is coming on board, while even some of the HARD BREXIT MPs are changing their minds.  Others on the hand to quote the military historian Alan Clark are lions being  lead by donkeys.  This blog has been very hard on the HARD REMAINERS, but the HARD BREXIT MPs had Brexit in their hands and they threw it away and some are still refusing to budge.   In the first Gulf War the US and its allies went around the Iraqi dugouts and won the WAR, the extreme HARD BREXIT MPs are fighting for a hill when they have a chance to win the war.  They need to support the May Deal and then chose a Brexit PM after May resigns and fight for the future AGENDA.  The County Associations of these MPs need a to speak to them, do not lose the war for a hill, otherwise they should face de-selection.  The public will not understand the purity need for these MPs.   One can now understand why Sir John Major called his Brexit MPs, sons/daughters without a legal father ( this blog has cleaned up the quote, you get the idea ).   This blog is a HARD BREXIT supporter, it would build a WALL in the middle of the Euro Tunnel and at the entrance and set a minefield just after the WALL.   It would make the Berlin WALL LOOK easy, but this blog can count numbers, that is the point of democracy, TAKE THE DEAL BREXIT MPs and let's move on.