Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Attorney General and Senate

New York Times: Reports that the Nominee for Attorney General, Judge Mukasey has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and will be voted on by the full Senate. The question how does one grade this in political terms, well a win for Bush, all the Democrats running for President can be expected to vote against him, but that is a given, so a victory before the election hits the floor running in Iowa in January.

What are the Clinton's Hiding ?

ABC News: Reports the following, "...another set of papers relevant to her political career at yet another Arkansas library will not be available to the public until well after election day 2008, despite earlier indications that the papers would have been released by now. " Hillary Clinton has made a mistake by running on part based on her experience as First Lady, if your running on this expect those running against you to demand that they and the country can see the advice you gave to the President. Clinton has two problems she has created for herself if she is nominated in 2008, Driving Licences for Illegal Immigrants and the Clinton habit of hiding bad news, as in taking a poll as if to tell the truth if you had an affair. The Republicans will demand every hour of every day that Clinton release her files as First Lady. The Democrats might not make an issue of it before Iowa but the Republicans will make it a great issue. The question they will ask " Is Hillary Hiding behind her Husband " that does not help with impressions when running as a hawk in a Presidential Election.

Iowa Again

New York Times: Looks at the campaign prospects of John Edwards. The Liberal New York Times if it had a choice would support the Edwards campaign but is realistic enough to know that its a two way race between Clinton and Obama.

More on Afghanistan

New York Times: Looks at the recent deaths and the growing problems and confusing reports out of Afghanistan. The USA and UK have a major problem in Pakistan and growing military difficulties in Afghanistan. Remembrance Day is coming up next Sunday, we shall remember those lost during Two World Wars and many conflicts afterwards but today our men and women are in harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chief Justice of Pakistan

BBC: That the former of Chief Justice of Pakistan has called on the people to protest. Pakistan is a hard one for the West, we need the Government to support our efforts in Afghanistan. The problem is coming from the Border area of Afghanistan and Pakistan. An old Foreign Office view is that it is tricky to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. What the West states in public might be different or conditional when it comes to private talks, very tricky we can not afford for the extreme elements to take control of Pakistan or even worse get hold of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. MI6 and the CIA should have plans to take control of this arsenal, I hope they have plans on standby.

Afghanistan Deaths

BBC: Reports nearly a hundred civilian deaths in Afghanistan due to suicide bombing, Afghanistan getting worse, the trouble of Pakistan, Iran close to getting the bomb. Why does this feel like the decade before 1914.

New Left Old Idea

Slate: One of the best articles of the year, a must read, how the American left cant see the truth about a Revolution in this case Venezuela. Must Read of the Day.

Clinton another Dukakis ?

Newsday: Interesting article in Newsday on how Senator might have helped the Republicans with her debate performance. Her support of giving driving licences to Illegal Immigrants might work with the Liberal Left in the Democratic Party but the Democratic Left is not the the United States as pointed out in the article. The article goes to compare the Clinton with Dukakis in 1988. I would make one point, although Bush 41 was behind Dukakis and Dukakis helped him, Bush was the Vice -President to President Ronald Reagan. Reagan did lot more than Eisenhower to help his Vice - President, he lifted a finger to help Bush in 88, more than Eisenhower did for Nixon in 1960.