Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Akin Mess - 2012 Race

Telegraph: Reports the following on the Akin scandal in Missouri and its effect on the Romney/Ryan Campaign, " ..were threatening to engulf Mitt Romney’s preparations for the Republican party convention.. ".

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask is Rep. Akin a secret Democrat, the uber liberal main stream media will carry this story for days, as long as Akin stays in the race, if and when he quits the Democrats and their allies will link the views of Akin to the Republican Party. One can see the adverts NOW, a true story of a raped woman and her hell of a pregnancy not of her choice and how the Republicans would restrict her choice, it will be very hard for the Republicans to counter an argument like that, thus in pure politics terms Akin has been a God send to Democrats. The Romney Camp has to make clear that they will ask Republicans to vote for the Democrat or not vote in November if Akin is on the ticket. The Republicans need as much distance from Akin as is the Earth from the Mars.

Todd Akin Crisis and Romney/Ryan Campaign

BBC News: Reports that Governor Mitt Romney has called on Rep. Todd Akin to stand down as the Republican nominee for the Senate Seat in Missouri after stating that women that are raped can prevent a pregnancy occurring by natural means.

Lets Get Real:

Rep. Akin is an idiot, what he said was wrong, stupid and offensive, and thus he should stand down. Now lets deal with the politics, the Democrats will use this as part of their theme that Republicans HATE women, the Oval will try to connect the Pro life Agenda of the Republicans to the views of Akin. The Republican Establishment and those in charge of Republicans in Missouri have to get Akin off the ticket. The Republican National Convention starts next week, thus the Republicans have a short time to clean up this mess. On this issue of Abortion this blog take the real liberal conservative line, that abortion should be legal, there should be no restrictions on women when it comes to abortion, and abortions should be allowed in till the last day. It is not for the Government to tell women that they should carry babies and that there is cut off point.