Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Labour Split - EU

Lets Get Real:

Folks the Conservative Party could have just won the 2015 election, in less Labour moves to agree to a vote they will not win the 2015 election, the Liberal Democrats will have to find a backbone and move from being a pro EU party, and fast.   The game has changed folks, PM Cameron has Labour by the neck, he could even ask the House of Commons to have a pre vote in 2014, force Labour to take a stand, devious but it would work folks, you have to love politics.   A week is a long time in politics folks.   The Labour Party old hands will need to have a world with Ed Miliband, he will have to annoy the the BBC and Guardian and move to support a vote, he can not hold his own Party on this issue, the Liberal Democrats will have to sit down and think hard about their future, do they want a role in UK politics, if so they will have to ditch their pro EU stand and move to be more critical and harsh, the voters decide folks, that is called Democracy. 

UK and EU

Telegraph: Reports the following on the decision of PM Cameron to promise a in or out referendum on the UK membership of the EU, " Labour's policy on Europe was today thrown into confusion, after Ed Miliband declared he opposes an EU referendum only to be contradicted by his party hours later. ". 

Lets Get Real:

This will benefit the Conservative Party folks, although the Party still has a few EU supporters its not like in the day of Lady Thatcher and Sir John Major, when the Party was split by the issue, on the whole the Party would be quite happy to be OUT of the EU, while the issue is a hot issue for Labour, the London elites might want to stay but they can not make sure that Labour supporters follow the party line, the Labour Party could be split down the middle and Ed Miliband could be on the losing side.  While the issue could bury the Liberal Democrats, the Party is so pro EU it wants to run by the EU, if the UK  is out they are finished as a political party, they would lose ALL their Euro MP's, in fact the party could split, between Labour and Conservative supporters.    This is a good news day for PM Cameron and a tricky day for the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats. 

Hillary Clinton and Libya - PT2

Guardian: Reports the following on Secretary Clinton at the Libyan hearing, " On Wednesday she took an extra trip – to the woodshed. ". 

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could have found out the truth about the Libyan terrorists attack by one phone call, but form prevented her, one could say if LBJ had bothered to  phone to Captain of the US Ship that was supposed to have been attacked by the North Vietnam and was not he might not have started the full throttle war in Vietnam.   In the UK when a Minister becomes the hostage of the system, he or she are considered house trained, it seems that the State Department trained Clinton, to be a Diplomat, that not the same thing as fighting the US corner.    This admission of failure by Clinton could haunt her in 2016, the Republicans will ask if she will ask the right questions should she have to deal with another crisis, thus this blog will go as far to predict that Clinton will not be the Democratic nominee in 2016,  US politics is ruthless folks, some Democrat will come along and make it an issue by not making it an issue, sink the Clinton ship under the water, that is politics 101 folks. 

Hillary Clinton and Libya

BBC News: Reports that US Secretary of State Hillary mounted a strong defence of her handling of the US deaths in Libya. 

Lets Get Real:

This is the crunch issue that could decide if Secretary Clinton is the Democratic nominee in 2016, the Senate hearing has bought out the fact that Hillary Clinton did not read the diplomatic cables from Libya that asked for more security, the Republican Pacs will have a field say with the statement, a woman running for the Presidency has to reach a higher bar when it comes to security, the fact that that a US Ambassador died in Libya due to the fact that the Secretary of State had not read cables asking for more security is a black mark against Clinton in 2016.   But folks this is the Clintons, after Hillary Clinton steps down and is replaced by Senator Kerry expect the Clintons to move the blame to the Oval Office one way or another, the Clintons are not going to be like UN Ambassador Rice who saw her chance of becoming Secretary destroyed by her keeping faith with the Oval, if it comes down to  it, the Clintons will flush Obama down the toilet if that what it takes to win in 2016, Bill Clinton no matter what he says will never forgive POTUS for using the race card on him in 2008, lets be honest folks, the first black President was not President Obama, it was Bill Clinton, who for his faults was happy and used to black culture, more than can be said for President Obama, how ever much he tries, you can be black without being black folks, the US landed on Hawaii, and African - Americans were not their first.  That is why Obama needed a green card from a racist preacher and urban us terrorists to get in to Chicago politics.