Daily Mail: Reports the reaction to the opposition of Ed Miliband to a EU vote, the article states the following, " risked a party split after refusing to promise an in-out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. Senior Labour figures have defied their leader and backed David Cameron’s announcement today.. ".
Lets Get Real:
Folks the Conservative Party could have just won the 2015 election, in less Labour moves to agree to a vote they will not win the 2015 election, the Liberal Democrats will have to find a backbone and move from being a pro EU party, and fast. The game has changed folks, PM Cameron has Labour by the neck, he could even ask the House of Commons to have a pre vote in 2014, force Labour to take a stand, devious but it would work folks, you have to love politics. A week is a long time in politics folks. The Labour Party old hands will need to have a world with Ed Miliband, he will have to annoy the the BBC and Guardian and move to support a vote, he can not hold his own Party on this issue, the Liberal Democrats will have to sit down and think hard about their future, do they want a role in UK politics, if so they will have to ditch their pro EU stand and move to be more critical and harsh, the voters decide folks, that is called Democracy.