Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tom Daschle - The Truth

ABC News: Reports that Tom Daschle's withdrawal from the nomination process as Health Secretary was his own idea, not pushed by the West Wing. If Daschle could not stand up to the D.C kitchen he might have done the President a favour. Health Reform is a major issue in the USA, thus any new reform would have been a fight, if Daschle could not take this fight would he have gotten the President Obama's Agenda through the Congress.


The Times: Reports that two of President Obama's nominees have had to withdraw their nominations due to tax issues. President Obama is finding that D.C culture does not change because the Oval has a new President. One should never take a position on ethics in a new Administration, one can almost guarantee one is going to get bitten by a nominee, ask Bill Clinton. The Reagan First Term Team was the most effective new Administration, Obama thus has problems with his Economic Plan and his nominees. The problem that Democrats have is that they are not in power that much, thus Democrats have to earn a living, thus they take outside work or leave basic issues like tax to others, this can cause problems down the line, when there is a Senate Confirmation hearing. This mess of the nomination process follows the Bill Clinton pattern, Obama should have a word with Bill Clinton, get his advice as how to avoid such issues.

The Back Channels to Iran and Syria

Breitbart.com: Reports on Back Channels from the Obama Administration to Iran and Syria. This is a good move by Obama, it is through back channels you can develop a good relationship at a low level, develop trust even with Iran. It to use the old Reagan line, Trust but Verify, lets see if Iran and Syria want to come Out from the Cold. I think Syria would be the better move on that front, if Iran can be left in the cold this could force the leadership to give up on the idea of being a nuclear armed power.

Iran in Space

BBC News: Reports that Iran has launched its first satellite. One can see in the very near future Iran will announce that it is a nuclear armed power, then what will the Obama Administration do, Obama has stated that he wants to talk to Iran, but as a canny old UK PM once stated that Events, Events have a way of changing the Agenda. Israel well never allow a nuclear armed Iran.