Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Titanic Artefacts

Guardian: Reports on Titanic artefacts on display at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. Next year folks it will be Century since the great Ship went down, why is it always the Titanic, other ships have gone down, that is simple, the Edwardian Age challenged God and Nature, and neither was moveable. It is the eternal question, what would you have done if you hade been on the Titanic, would you have been a hero, women and children first to the lifeboats or a coward, in other words getting on the lifeboat no matter what, most of us as lucky folks, we never have to answer that question, those poor souls in 1912 had to answer that question, and they didn’t have time to be wrong. That a type 40 Tardis was seen around has never been confirmed, that is the official line.

Greece Again!

Telegraph: Reports that Fitch the Credit Agency has further downgraded the credit rating of Greece, the Agency sees Greece having problems in its fire sale of Sate assets. Folks the EU/IMF knows that the Greek debt will have to be written off, there is no other option, but as soon as that happens the Greeks are in default and the Greek economy will be owned by the EU. Greece is the HIV patient who has to many partners and is sharing the contagion around EU. Thus far Ireland looks like it will need a 2nd bailout, Italy could be on the brink, then there is Spain, lets not think even think what would happen to the EU should Spain fall. The EU is a headless chicken folks, the Euro and its weaker carries could destroy the EU.

Terrorists Attack India

BBC News: Reports on three explosions in Mumbai ( Imperial Bombay ), as of present 21 are dead and over a hundred injured. One has to postulate that these terrorists have a Pakistan connection, or even an Afghan/Pakistan Taliban connection. As the explosions went off nearly at the same time one has to ask has Al Qaeda moved to attack India as an easier target and thus cause conflict between India and Pakistan, thus divert Pakistan from the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and cause problems for US Foreign Policy. As has been noted, the ISI, the Pakistan Intelligence Agency sees India as a mortal threat to Pakistan, not the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Spain and the Euro

Guardian: Reports that Spain could the next Country to need a bailout, the Guardian editorial states the following on Spain, “ .. is still being treated as a much bigger credit risk than its northern European neighbours. ”. Folks if the debt infection from Greece hits Italy and Spain it’s a whole new ball game, the latest downgrade of Irish debt rating to junk should hit the markets tomorrow, the view of Moody’s is that Ireland will need a second bailout, well one can postulate that Portugal will also have the begging bowl out sooner than later, a lot sooner if they see Greece, Ireland getting double bailouts at better rates. This blog NOW has Greece, Ireland, Portugal as default nations, what ever the EU thinks, also on the horizon could be Italy, Spain is not far behind. This is serious folks, and it could go either way.

Emergency EU Summit = Euro

Telegraph: Reports that the EU is to hold an Emergency Summit on the Sovereign Debt crisis that is facing Europe. Folks so far the EU/IMF with the best intentions in the world is not helping the PIG countries, in fact its making the crisis worse, its simple folks, if these countries were on drugs would not give them another hit, you would make them go cold turkey. The bailouts have added debts to these countries, it’s a vicious cycle folks, as an example, debts by the banks have been taken over by the States, but these States themselves have found they cant cope, thus although the reasons are different, you have the PIGS having had a bailout or needing a bailout. The PIGS are a cancer folks, they have to cut form the heart of EU, otherwise they will give the body politic Aids and its over. Its harsh folks but if the Euro is to last it needs drastic action, otherwise the EU/IMF has just creating more debt, and sooner or later this will kill the Euro.

Ireland and the Euro Crisis

BBC News: Reports that Moody’s the Credit Agency has downgraded Irelands debt rating to junk. As with Greece it looks like Ireland will need another bailout, of course the UK taxpayer will have to get his/her wallet out again! A second UK bailout to Ireland should come with strings, tight strings, or we should allow Ireland to go to the wall. Of course if Italy and Spain go then it does not matter, its over, Great Depression Mark 2, its on the horizon folks.