CNN News: Reports that the US State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton has sent a clear message to North Korea, not to launch its missile within the next few days. This would be more of a threat if the USA has stated it would shoot down the missile, otherwise its just words. North Korea are past masters at playing the USA from Clinton to Bush 43. Lets see if Obama has the backbone to shoot down the missile, lets recall this action by North Korea is against a UN Resolution. If it works you might as well invite North Korea in to the Nuclear Club and be expected to be blackmailed by them at their whim. If the missile works expect an arms race in the region, no one will want to be under threat from the barmy North Korea. Lets see how long it takes for Japan to go nuclear, one could not blame them, is matter of National Security.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
NATO - No Troops for Afghanistan
The New York Times: Reports that Obama will not get much more troops out of NATO, the NYT writes the following, " ... they are giving him very few new troops on the ground, underlining the fundamental strains in the alliance. " On this issue one can understand why most of NATO don't want to get their hands dirty, Afghanistan is the last place on this God's Earth that you would send troops, Vietnam is the other. The War in Afghanistan is Obama's War, as reported yesterday on CNN News the Obama Administration is looking at the end of the year to send another ten thousand troops in to Operational Theatre. It has been reported in the London Times, that the UK will send another two thousand troops, this will give the UK a ten thousand troops presence in Afghanistan. Lets recall in the 19th Century we lost sixteen thousand troops and civilian staff on the march out of Afghanistan. On the other hand what the point of training the Police as is the wish of some NATO countries if they need Western Defence. The one time you would wish for Obama to act like left wing Liberal is over Afghanistan, but he is acting like LBJ. Afghanistan is not a place to fight, we should move our resources to the Tribal areas of Pakistan, clean out the Taliban/Terrorists, build a civic structure in these badlands, allow for better roads, secular schools, hospitals, and other forms of civic society. Obama is another LBJ folks. Read of the Day.
They Failed - G20
BBC News: Reports on the G20 Conference. BBC News 24 are treating as the second coming because its Obama, get a grip folks. Thus down the conference, Obama wanted the G20 to spend money as he had done in his Economic Plan, it was not got going to happen, the Governor of the Bank of England has placed a veto on any such move by UK PM Gordon Brown, France and Germany had spent all the leaders of these two countries thought it was needed. Thus the conference was between Economic Stimulus and Regulation. The regulation won, but it also failed, as the US Congress is not going to give up one inch of power to Europe. This is the hard brutal politics. The voter on the main street is going to think he or she was conned, Obama of the secular second coming had to accept the European view of the crisis. Thus on one hand Obama will spend trillions the rest of the World will not, thus we reach a crunch. If the US economy can not be matched by the rest of the World, it will not matter how much Obama spends. Thus what ever the BBC thinks this was a failure for President Obama, but worst folks the Joe on main street will react in a negative manner, UK PM Gordon Brown will be out on his ear in 2010 and Obama two years in 2012.
Good News form Iraq - USA losses lowest since 2003
Telegraph: Reports how the Bush surge in Iraq has worked to lower USA death toll, in March combat deaths only counted for four US Soldiers. This as has been a political gift to President Obama, although Obama was opposed to the surge he seems to gotten the fact that it worked. The Obama Administration would take the state of Iraq now in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
South Korea, Japan and the USA United over North Korean Policy
BBC News: Reports that the USA, Japan and South Korea are agreed on their policy towards the Communist run North Korea. They will take North Korea to the UN, well that is really going to be tough action, in other words North Korea gets away with it again, this is not the first time the rouge nation of North Korea has flaunted World opinion, if the West does not shoot down the missile, the missile will end up in Iran, then what, World War 3 in the Middle East. The 1930s has shown that appeasement ends up in War.
Special Relationship - The Queen and the Obama's

Courtesy of the White House: from left to right: President Obama, The First Lady Michelle Obama and HM Queen Elizabeth 11
The White House: White House Blog, the President and Mrs Obama in the UK. One wonders what the Queen and the First Couple talked about, you might disagree with Obama's policies but the Obama's are very charismatic, must be change for the Queen, not the usual doom and gloom from her Scottish PM.
North Korea threat to USA - Shoot Down Any Spy Planes
The New York Times: Reports that Communist North Korea has threatened to shoot down any USA spy planes that try to get intelligence on is illegal missile launch. I don't think the barmy regime of North Korea is that stupid, if they did shoot down a spy plane the USA would have to take action, this is more nutty bluff from the North. Their leader really needs a quite room and tea and take a chill pill.
Get Lost Palestine State - Israel
Telegraph: Reports that the new Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman has rejected a two state solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestinians. If you think in the age of Obama the world would come together and hold hands, the Middle East has a way of throwing water in to your face. As Obama said to the Republicans he won, well the right won in Israel, Obama cant walk away from Israel, he can only go as far as Israel will go, ask Bill Clinton about the problems of getting a solution in the Middle East. Thus in less we have a sudden change of policy by Israel the two state solution is dead for the next couple of years. President Obama can make all the speeches he wants, the reality is real in the Middle East, they see Presidents come and go, and Obama could lose re-election in 2012.
10,000 US Troops on the Card for Afghanistan, Billions for Pakistan
Fox News: Reports another ten thousand troops are on the card for Afghanistan and that the USA will spend three billion dollars on the Armed Forces of Pakistan, as to allow them to fight the Taliban/Terrorists. As stated this is a wrong policy, its a light footprint you need in Afghanistan, more troops, more body bags, Afghanistan is your worst nightmare if your a commander, terrain that makes Vietnam look like a great battlefield, a border that allows the terrorists to cross without much hindrance from the USA or Pakistan. On the military spending for Pakistan, I will guarantee that any technology will end up in the hands of the Taliban/Terrorists, the Secret Intelligence Service of Pakistan, the ISI has close links with the Taliban/Terrorists. The War in Afghanistan has become Obama's War. Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam.
USA and Russia - No Longer Cold
The Times: Reports that the USA and Russia have agreed to seek an agreement to cut their stockpile of nuclear weapons. After the invasion of Georgia last year by Russia its about time that Russia came in from the Cold, this is not the Cold War any more, someone should have told the Russians that West does not have time for their games. There are still disagreements but Russia is in a better position to advance her cause without invasion and economic blackmail. Russia as much as the West is under threat from Islamic Terrorists, Russia should work with the United States to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power, in the long term its in their and our interest and the security of the West.
North Korea fueling Long Range Missile
CNN News: Reports that Communist North Korea is fueling its long range missile. The next couple of days should see some tension in the region, will North Korea launch a missile that is banned by the UN. If that missile becomes a threat to Japan, will Japan it shoot it down, or will the United States Navy have to take that action, if that happens what is the next step by North Korea. Tense time folks.
USA vs Israel
BBC News: Reports that the Obama Administration still supports the plan for a two state solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. The problem is that the government is Israel does not, its their backyard, they have to follow a policy that protects the security of Israel. President Obama cant go to out on a limp, the Israeli Lobby is very powerful in American Politics and in the Democratic Party. Thus Obama will find as most American Presidents find its best to become a Middle East expert in your second term. President Ronald Reagan could place pressure on Israel when Israel went to far in Lebanon in 1982, the President stated to the Israeli PM that the relationship between Israel and the USA was on the line, Israel back down. Obama is no Reagan, and Obama might need Israel to bomb Iran before it gets the bomb.
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