Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Democrats either LOSE the PLOT or SAVING the US - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

WHAT would be the point of delaying the Electoral College vote, the Democrats can not change the FACT that HRC was a bad candidate, she did not connect to Main Street, and it was her campaign's fault that she did not go to Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania enough. The rust belt Democrats or the old Reagan Democrats did not trust her, and half the country wanted her locked up for using a private email server that could be hacked by the enemies of the US.  This blog is NO Trump supporter, but trying to subvert democracy while trying to save democracy only ends up in destroying democracy.   The Democrats should become foreign policy hawks and fast, if Trump is a Putin's fool they can make gains in the 2018 Mid Terms and get a better candidate in 2020.  The Trump Presidency is NOT going to be like the past eight years, there is something to be said for that development.

President Obama and Russian hacking - Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Obama Administration using its favourite metaphor was asleep at the wheel, the Car was US Democracy and the threat from the Russians.   The Oval Office should have gone on about it every day, every minute in fact, but it did not and thus we will have a President Trump, a fool for Russia to play with over the next four to eight years.   The President could make  a speech to the nation from the Oval Office, asking that the electoral college either vote for another Republican or Democrat, of course it would not be HRC.   This is a serious matter, and the President should go to the mat to make sure his successor is not Donald Trump.

WHY was the Obama Administration slow to respond to Russian hacking ? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IN other words the Obama Administration got foreign policy WRONG again, also they did not read the polls correctly, in that every political writers shares the blame.   The Russian bear only understands a strong leadership, in President Obama they found a weak leader who thinks he understands everything better than any else, that what comes of getting a Nobel Prize for doing nothing.   The Russians of course wanted to see Trump win, he has been soft on Russia, so it will be up to the Obama Administration to place sanctions or cyber attack Russia, they have to be careful, they do not want to start WW3 over a cyber attack.

The Russian hacking and the 2016 Election - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The most noise about Russian hacking the 2016 election is coming from hack Democrats who have not gotten over the result, TRUMP WON.   There have been a few Republicans who have stated that they want an investigation, but they were never friendly with Trump in the first place.   The US Congressional Committees need to have a tough and fast investigation in to the supposed Russian hacking, and the US should take some action against Russia while President Obama is in power and place Trump on the spot, does he support new sanctions or not.  The Russian bear must be laughing his backside off, the West under the leadership of Obama has been very weak.

The Electoral College - HAIL MARY PASS - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The chance that the electoral college would take the Presidency away from Trump is LOW, the Democrats have not come around to the fact that HRC was a bad candidate and that she lost again.   One can understand why Hillary Clinton might not be happy, this is the 2nd time that she has lost to job, first it was the charismatic Senator Obama, now its the Donald.  HRC has wanted the Presidency ALL her political life, to see it snatched away must hurt a lot, but that is Democracy.  The electoral college threat if it happened would cause a Constitutional crisis, it might even cause urban unrest, and in the end it would go to the House of Representatives, they would give the Presidency to Trump, so what would be the point.