Tuesday, April 04, 2017

President Trump and Syria - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus strong attack on Assad, then an attack on the Obama Administration for not following through with its red line, and then it goes to say the US stands with its Allies.  In essence the US under Obama and now Trump are going to do nothing about Syria, with Obama it was the fear that the US would be dragged in to another Middle Eastern War without allies, while Trump wants Assad to take down Daesh.   The elite media brings attention to the problem, BUT IF Trump did anything he would be under critical review from the very same media.   This blog would be impressed if Trump DID something, but it is not holding its breath.   At the end of day the West just washes it hands, and allows the people of Syria to suffer. 

The US Supreme Court and the US Senate - Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Even the uber liberal NYT seems to get the fact that a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch is a BAD idea, and they are right, it would be better to challenge the next nominee.   If a Supreme Judge retires or dies this would allow POTUS to frame the Court for the next generation.   The Democrats should wait, the next Nominee could be really far right and then the Democrats could argue that a filibuster was needed, and also it could get  a few Republicans to support them is such a move.    The base is good, but it should not control good politics.  

The US Senate and the Nuclear Option - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

DO NOT PANIC, the US is not going to WAR, it's the decision by US Republicans to change the rules of the Senate, at present it takes 60 votes to get a nominee on the US Supreme Court, after Friday it will only take 51.  The first shot of this battle was done by the Democrats, they were fed up with the Republicans blocking Judges for the lower Courts, thus they changed the rules from 60 to 51, this lesson will now be used by the Republicans when it comes to the Supreme Court.   The bases of both Parties have become more powerful, they keep an eye on their candidates, if you want to get re-elected you have to give the base what it wants, otherwise you are out. 

Former NSA Susan Rice and the Truth - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

When Susan Rice says something, this blog needs more than her word, as they say she has form, as any who recalls the Libya terrorist attacks recalls, thus it would be wise for Republicans to place the former National Security Advisor under OATH, and to check was she told by President Obama to unmask US Citizens in information gathered by US intelligence, also who else did she tell, and was the information placed around the Administration so it could be leaked.   The Democrats and the elite press are trying to cover up for Rice, this is why the elite press are not trusted by the US Citizens.   Also President Obama has been VERY quiet on the subject, one does wonder why? 

Chemical Attack in Syria - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The question is what will the US and its Western Allies do about this, the Obama Administration failed to react when the Assad Regime used chemical weapons after the Obama Administration said that using Chemical Weapons was a red line.   This could be a chance for President Trump to show that he is not a Russian puppet, the US Air Force could take out the Syrian Air Force, the question is will it, if POTUS took action it would show that the White House is not in the pocket of Putin's Russia, it would also show that the US was back to being the leader of the West.   In reality this blog does not think Trump will take action, that will be more to do the fact that Trump sees Assad as an ally in the fight against Islamic Terrorism.  Thus more deaths in Syria.