Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Obama and the 300 Billion Plan ?

Bloomberg: Reports that President Obama will request that the Congress passes a three hundred billion job package, the packages contains tax cuts and government spending. Well we have discovered that POTUS is not serious about Government folks, this is another spend like you’re a drunk sailor plan. The US is fourteen trillion in debt and part of the plan contains the idea to raise taxes, does the Oval have a deaf ear, or does the Obama hubris have no bounds. The Republicans should tell the Oval if this is the plan don’t bother turning up, there is closed sign on the door, better things to waste time on. Thus one can see the argument, the Obama Campaign is going to run on, the daft idea that if the Republicans would just listen to the STAR then the world would be perfect. It seems Harvard Law Graduates are not that bright, or is it just liberal Harvard Law Graduates. Well if the above story is true this blog will not bother with the speech, less of strain just to read the White House transcript, at least you can read rubbish in your own time. The Republican candidates at the Republican debate at the Reagan Presidential Library should all attack the Obama plan as foolish liberal agenda gone bonkers, it seems Obama has not learned a important film business lesson, if your last film was flop, learn why and change, otherwise hope you have a career as a character actor, otherwise your finished, and the need to get a real job, thus Obama might find he returns to Harvard to be a law Professor in 2013.

The Obama Plan ?

CNN Politics/Money: Reports on the possible ideas that could be in President Obama’s speech for Thursday, 1, Government spending, 2 , tax breaks for business if they hire those out of work, 3, Extension of Welfare, unemployment benefits, 4, tax holiday to allow US business to bring profits home. If you’re the Republican Majority in the House you will say No to 1, Obama’s spending is the reason for the present mess, 3, At what point do you say NO to welfare spending, its time, the US is not a European Country. Also the for political reasons the Republicans will say no, 4, to a tax holiday, the more business is angry with Obama, the more money they will give to Republicans in 2012. In other words folks watch the build up to the start of American football, you will learn more and its more fun.

The Republican Debate = Reagan Presidential Library

The New York Times: Reports on the first Presidential debate for the leading Republican Candidate for 2012, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, as the article notes there is expected to be a fight between Governors Perry and Romney. Lets get real folks, the Republican race is between Perry and Romney, since entering the race Perry has displaced Romney as the front runner for 2012. It can be argued that Perry should not be critical of Romney, he should invoke Reagan’s 11th Commandment, never attack a fellow Republican, Perry should just attack President Obama on jobs, jobs and jobs. The Perry Campaign should stress that Obama is Carter Mark 2 and that Perry is the heir to Reagan, smaller government, lower taxes, and higher defence spending. On social issues Perry should just leave those issues to his staff, don’t say anything, you cant lose votes by impression, Perry is a Conservative just leave it at that, the sole campaign topic should be jobs, jobs and jobs, that is the way to win the White House.

The Thoughts of a Chancellor - Alistair Darling

Guardian: Has an excellent book review of the memoirs of the last Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling, the article has the great following line, “ …Darling sticks the stiletto into his victims with great deftness. … ”. Lets be honest folks the main target in the parts that have been released is the former PM Gordon Brown, the former PM looks foolish in believing that the banking crisis would only last six months, and would not take on board the need for cuts over four years. The former Chancellor has stated Labour would have better off in the 2010 election if the Party had been truthful with the voters for the need for cuts, not the argument that Labour was for government spending while the Conservatives wanted cuts.

Libyan Front - Latest

Telegraph Live: Reports on a Libyan rebel claim that they have Colonel Gaddafi surrounded. Lets see if this is true folks, after the fiasco of the non arrests of the Gaddafi sons lets have some proof out of the new Libyan Government, this blog is about the truth at the end of the day, not a PR machine for the Libyan rebels.

50p Tax Rate - UK

BBC News: Reports that 20 leading economists have argued that the Labour introduced 50p tax rate should be axed. It can be argued that the Conservatives in the Coalition Government would love to ditch the 50p tax rate but the Liberal Democrats love high taxes. Thus the Lib Dems will have to be bought off, the price should not be to high, the axing of the rate should boost business and hopefully, lead to economic growth and higher tax returns. This is a good fight for the Conservatives to have, place pressure on Labour to defend tax hikes in a recession and make the Lib Dems seem out of touch with political reality.