Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Republican Debate = Reagan Presidential Library

The New York Times: Reports on the first Presidential debate for the leading Republican Candidate for 2012, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, as the article notes there is expected to be a fight between Governors Perry and Romney. Lets get real folks, the Republican race is between Perry and Romney, since entering the race Perry has displaced Romney as the front runner for 2012. It can be argued that Perry should not be critical of Romney, he should invoke Reagan’s 11th Commandment, never attack a fellow Republican, Perry should just attack President Obama on jobs, jobs and jobs. The Perry Campaign should stress that Obama is Carter Mark 2 and that Perry is the heir to Reagan, smaller government, lower taxes, and higher defence spending. On social issues Perry should just leave those issues to his staff, don’t say anything, you cant lose votes by impression, Perry is a Conservative just leave it at that, the sole campaign topic should be jobs, jobs and jobs, that is the way to win the White House.

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