CNN - Politics: Reports on the memoirs of Leon Panetta, the former Defence Secretary to President Obama, the Secretary is critical of POTUS when it comes to Iraq and Syria, the article notes the following, " It's clearly a struggle for Panetta—who said he admires and likes the President—to reconcile the decisive Obama who approved the raid against Osama bin Laden with the President who vacillated over Syrian air strikes. "
Lets Get Real:
Thus the foreign policy and intelligence elite have decided to throw President Obama under the bus, HE is to blame for the growth of IS, if he had pushed he could have gotten a deal for the US to stay in Iraq and might have checked IS. On Syria the President stated a red line but did not follow through, thus he and the US looked weak. If President Obama wants to save his Presidential legacy he has to place ground troops in Iraq and later Syria, this is the only way that the "new" Wars in Iraq and Syria can come out as a net plus for the Administration. Of course down the road we have Iran, if Obama softens his talks with Iran then the government elite will disown him, its this simple, POTUS will have to be extra tough with Iran, no allowance for them to go nuclear, the need for constant inspections, the right for the UN to check any building or area in Iran, anything less is a sell out to Iran. That is the problem when your weak as POTUS.