Thursday, December 15, 2011

A French DOWNGRADE - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports that if France was to lose its Triple A rating, it would “ ..would drive up the interest Paris pays to borrow and make loans in the wider economy more expensive.. ”. Thus the French Elite are in full spin folks, if they lose their AAA rating while the UK keeps its rating this will cost the French President his re-election. Think about this folks, in essence the French Government and State Bank is calling for the UK to lose its rating, this would drive up the UK’s borrowing costs and retract the economy, Wars have been fought for less folks. It time to stamp hard on the French, one has to wonder if it is not time for the UK’s War dead from World War 1 and 2 to come back to the UK, if France does not show respect to Country that saved her, should we allow our honoured dead to be buried in French ground. It is a fair question folks, time for France to show some respects to a Country that saved her backside twice.

France vs. UK

Telegraph: Reports that the Governor of the Bank of France, Christian Noyer has called for the credit agency S&P to strip the UK of its triple A rating before France. Folks it just shows when it comes to French self interest, it will always comes first, the French view is simple, everyone else can be thrown over the cliff before France. In many respects this blog can respect that, but gets VERY annoyed when France starts going about the European interest, France could care less, in the past, present and future it is always about France. Thus with this blog, it’s the UK first and last, and France can be thrown out of the nearest airlock, lets hope the French respect that opinion.

The END of the US War in Iraq

BBC News: Reports on the US taking down the US Flag in Baghdad, Iraq, thus ending the eight year military operation in Iraq. Thus folks the US finally leaves Iraq, after 4.500 US deaths, 179 UK deaths and a reported 100,000 Iraqi deaths. The question that has to be asked folks, was it worth it, at its most basic, was it worth the death of 1 US or UK Soldier, at the end of the day Iraq is Democracy, hardly stable but a democracy, Saddam Hussein got hung in public in essence, this blog does not weep for him, got what he deserved. As to the future, that is up to Iraq, will it remain a democracy, hard call folks, it does seem that the Iraqi people have gotten in to the habit of voting, that is good, but Iraq’s neighbour Iran is on the way to becoming a nuclear armed power, might Iran invade Iraq to divert attention form this, there is a chance folks, will Iraq become just a satellite of Iran, 6/10 it might happen, Iran will have the bomb, Iraq wont, but that is the future folks, lets for the moment recall all those brave Allied Soldiers that have died, lets hope their deaths were not in vain, that would be condemnation of the Iraq War.