Friday, December 11, 2020

The Royal Navy to protect UK WATERS AND FISH - Brexit Update 3 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

The presence of the UK's Royal Navy should make sure that French fishermen stay out of UK waters, if French fisherman are taken in to custody, their boats will be sold and the fishermen put on the next flight back to Paris.  This would go for any other European fishermen who come in to UK WATERS.  The EU really needs to grow up, the UK will not be bound by the EU or the French, the UK has played this game for Centuries, we know when to cut up ruff and when to take out time.  Sunday can not come fast enough for this blogger. 

France as the BAD COP - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Sky News: Reports on remarks by the French President when it comes to UK fish - " "All I want is a cake that's worth its weight. Because I won't give up my share of it either." "

Lets Get Real:

One does wonder how the French will react when the Royal Navy bans the French fishing fleet from  ALL UK waters.  It is about time that the UK showed its teeth, all the other powers are showing their national interest not the EU interest.  One is a bit shocked by the Germans, one would have expected some more courage from the German Chancellor is bringing Paris to heel.  The German taxpayer will have to pay for the lack of economic activity by the French fishermen after Brexit.   At the end of the day its about UK Sovereignty and what the UK voters voted for in 2016 and 2019.   The EU does remind one a bit of the Austro - Hungarian Empire ( The Monarchy ) before it FELL, trying to submerge different nations in ONE, it did not work.

EU Freedom Day on Sunday ? - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

BBC News: Reports " PM and EU say trade deal unlikely by Sunday "

Lets Get Real:

The EU is playing BAD COP, that would be a serious MISTAKE, if there is NO DEAL, NO UK Government will be going back after the New Year, there will be problems, but the UK voter knew that before voting in 2016 and 2019.  The idea that Paris believes it has the right to UK fish, shows why they have been the ancient enemy for centuries, and why we sink their Naval Fleets when we get the chance, the UK had to do this in the early years of World War 2, to prevent Nazi Germany getting French Naval vessels, they can not be trusted, its France first and last with them, well its the same with the UK, we do not beg, we get angry and take down any blocks, the UK's Royal Navy will defend waters, and arrest any French fishing fleets that are in our waters without our permission, the French and Germans have not seen seen the UK as a bad cop in years due to the alliance due to WW2 and the Cold War.  It is time for the UK to show its teeth.