Fox News: Reports on remarks by President Trump at a rally, " Trump tells NH rallygoers 'we have a bunch of socialists or communists to beat' -- as Dem rivals gather nearby "
Lets Get Real:
The problem for POTUS in head to head matches, all the main Democratic candidates beat him, of course they getting more press attention, and the liberal media is acting as part of their campaigns. The question is how the actually nominee handles himself or herself in the general election. Senator Warren has stated that she is a Capitalist, that she is different from Senator Sanders who is a socialist Democrat or the other way around. One can expect a dirty brutal fight in 2020, Trump will go areas that no other candidate will, he does not turn up to a knife fight with a knife, he goes for the nuclear. Thus ALL the policy papers released by Warren if she is the nominee will be gone through to show that she is unfit to be President. Thus the Republicans will define the Democratic nominee as a socialist or a communist, very FAR LEFT, this campaign has a long way to go. It is to early for this blog to call the Democratic race, we will have to wait for who is left standing in Iowa and New Hampshire in the early months of 2020.