Guardian: Reports on a new poll calling for another Brexit vote, the poll actually shows the following, " Across all respondents, excluding don't knows, remain leads leave 51% to 49%. However, the same ratio of responses was seen in 2016; that is, the sample had a slight remain bias against the actual result of the referendum. Opinion polls before the referendum also underestimated the leave vote. "
Lets Get Real:
This is the left Guardian trying to push the Labour Party to campaign for another Brexit poll, no Party would go calling for a 2nd vote with the above margin, the UK is not some small Country that can be ordered to HAVE another vote in till the right vote is found. The BBC/Guardian types have to accept the fact that the British voter voted out, we have made a decision, the UK voter wants Brexit to mean Brexit. The Labour Party is split, the elite London types want to stay in the EU, wile Northern supporters want to leave. The Elite think they know what is best for the UK, they have no interest in democracy.