Friday, January 26, 2018

The LEFT Guardian wants another Brexit Poll - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is the left Guardian trying to push the Labour Party to campaign for another Brexit poll, no Party would go calling for a 2nd vote with the above margin, the UK is not some small Country that can be ordered to HAVE another vote in till the right vote is found.   The BBC/Guardian types have to accept the fact that the British voter voted out, we have made a decision, the UK voter wants Brexit to mean Brexit.  The Labour Party is split, the elite London types want to stay in the EU, wile Northern supporters want to leave.  The Elite think they know what is best for the UK, they have no interest in democracy. 

Calls to SACK the Chancellor, Philip Hammond - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM needs a quick word with the Chancellor, she has to remind him that SHE is the PM and Chancellors can be sacked, the Conservative Party is united on the whole in leaving the EU.   The moaning remainers in the Conservative Party and Labour Party will never accept the fact the UK voter voted to leave the EU.  The PM should be VERY firm with the Chancellor, not blood on the carpet, but CLEAR that he can be sacked if he does not shut up.  The British people are tired of the moaning remainers not accepting the FACT that the UK wants OUT of the EU. 

The Brexit ROW within the Conservative Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM needs to get a firm control of her Chancellor, the Chancellor well known moaning reaminer and thus will try any attempt top keep the UK close to the EU.  The British voter has decided that it wants out of the EU, we should not become a colony of the EU, Brexit should mean Brexit.   Lady Thatcher must be looking down and thinking that the Conservative Party is still as split as it was in her day, but in the other way around, the majority of Conservative MPs want out, let them make it clear to their colleagues that enough is enough, May needs to be another Iron Lady.