The Washington Post: Reports " And now Republicans have created the worst of all possible worlds, at least from where they sit. They’ve only made Americans more insecure about their health care, they’ve pushed the Democratic Party to the left, and they’ve brought the arrival of a universal system based on government insurance closer than it ever was. "
Lets Get Real:
As stated in my first post on this issue, the Trump move to get rid of the individual mandate means that those that are poor will be covered by other US Medicaid support, the anger about individual Mandate will no longer be an issue, the Democrats should not jump for joy just yet, if most people who are worried about the costs are on Medicaid then the problem goes away. The problem with the individual mandate was that it forced Americans to buy medical cover, as these regulations no longer stand, then the issue will go away as people extend Medicaid to those that are in need, also for the most part employers give their workers medical cover, so you remove the need for the Government to create more worries for people. The advice to be careful for what you ask for comes to mind.