Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

Lets have a look out our favourite polls folks, Gallup and Rasmussen Reports:

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): Has the following in its daily tracking poll, today Governor Romney leads President Obama by 48% to 45%. A 3% lead.

Gallup ( RV ) : Report today in its daily tracking poll that President Obama leads Governor Romney by 49% t0 44%. A 5% lead.

Lets Get Real:

Folks think about this, the US unemployment rate is over 8%, last month over three hundred and sixty thousand people gave up looking for A job, the US is 16 trillion in debt and the US Ambassador to Libya has just been killed by terrorists. President Obama at the DNC called for tax hikes in recession and a majority of people hate ObamaCare, Israel the great ally of the US has been thrown under the bus and Romney in the Rasmussen poll only has a 3%. In less the debates are a major game changer this race is over, Obama will get a 2nd term, as this blog said if it thought Obama would win it would say so, it is nearly there folks.

Obama vs. Romney, - NYT/CBS Poll

Lets Get Real:

Lets be honest here folks, in all polls this blog has seen Team Obama should be happy, they are between 3% to 5% ahead of Romney. Thus giving the polls the benefit of the doubt one has to say that that Team Romney has failed to define Obama, the Oval team has defined Obama as rich guy who does not understand main street, it might not be true, that does not matter, the voter on main street is buying this rubbish. Thus as of this week, this blog would have to predict that the Oval will win by around 2% to 3%. The swing State polls this blog has seen has Obama leading, this blog can not recall seeing a poll with Romney ahead in Florida or Ohio. In less Romney can turn this Campaign around he is heading for that Iceberg of defeat in November. If Obama does win expect the US to fall of a the financial cliff folks, the Republican House wont give on tax hikes, the Senate if still under the control of Democrats will block any Republican Bill. Thus folks we might be seeing the start of the decline and fall of the informal American Empire, its currency sooner or later will hit the floor, the US will not be able to afford its overseas presence, thus very much like the Roman and British Empires we might be seeing the fall of Uncle Sam.

American School Burned Down - Tunisia

Lets Get Real:

It seems from reports that the school was closed, so far no reports of deaths as of this moment. The US presence in Africa and the Middle East is taking a bounding, and where is President Obama? he is on the Campaign trail, and the press do not say a word. The press have shown by their lack of critical review of Obama at this moment that they can not be trusted. They should be asking tough questions of POTUS and they are NOT, they have to support him, he was their man, they covered for him in 2008, they are doing the same in 2012. The Romney/Ryan ticket have to get tougher, they have to nail President Obama to the wall, he is Carter Mark 2, the press will not do its job, the Republicans have to get in to the trenches, time to bring a political cannon to a knife fight. Its the Chicago way folks.

Libyan Murders and the White House

Lets Get Real:

It has been reported that President Obama has missed a majority of his latest intelligence briefs, the Romney Campaign should HIT the Oval hard over the theory that Obama might saved his Diplomats if he had done his Day Job of being POTUS, rather than running for the Presidency. In the present crisis if Obama is still Campaign then its a disgrace, US Embassies in Africa and in the Middle East are being attacked, and Obama is getting the love of the crowds and the press are up his backside. The President of the United States should be in the White House making sure that US Diplomats and Citizens are not hurt, yesterday Secretary Hillary Clinton was disgrace, she in essence said sorry for free speech, the US Secretary of State should defend US values, if not she should resign, one thing folks Clinton has blown her chance in 2016, US voters do not vote for weakness.

Middle East Riots and the US

BBC News Live - Middle East: Reports on mounting protests due to an anti Muslim through out the Middle East, from Tunisia to Iraq. The latest from its 4.38pm post is that the German Embassy in Sudan has been set on fire.

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens folks when you have a weak Oval, they Middle East have Obama's number, they know he is weak, they expect Obama to say sorry for freedom of speech, its the wrong time folks, not in a election year. The uber liberal main stream press have Obama's back for a while, but should the Middle East get worse and there are further US losses on the diplomatic side then even the press will start to turn, not yet, at present they are mounting a campaign to make Romney the issue, his tough response does not go down well with the uber liberal elite. Lets see how this plays out folks, will the anger burn it self out, or are there any more US deaths, or God forbid hostages aka 1979 and Jimmy Carter. Time will tell folks.