Guardian - Live Blog: Reports in its 10.46am post the following, " US stops Russian dollar bond payments in bid to raise pressure on ..... The US government has ratcheted up the financial pressure on Russia, by halting its ability to make debt payments in dollars through US banks. "
Lets Get Real:
The WEST and in this case the US as leader of the WEST should place an embargo on ALL RUSSIAN GOODS, the Russians economy is being hurt with the sanctions but it has not forced the people on to the streets to protest, after the August Coup of 1991 the Russian people got on to the street and protested, and they WON, in 1917 there was the Russian Revolution because WW1 had gone WRONG for Imperial Russia. That lead to a default by Russia, there was a technical default in 1998 but then the IMF saved the Russian bacon, they will not this time. The Russian people have to be forced on to the street, there should be no WESTERN IMPORTS in to Russia, the Russians should see empty shelves, for older Russians it should bring back memories of the old USSR. Putin wants to take Russia back to his glory days of the OLD USSR, well we should help him, STOP ALL TRADE with Russia, force the Russian people to start asking questions about the WAR IN THE UKRAINE and get them out on the street to protest, large crowds, to overwhelm the Russian system.