Friday, June 10, 2011

Obama in Negative Polls

Well folks it’s the end of the week, and President Obama is in negative poll land both in average and likely voters poll. In the latest Gallup Poll, POTUS has a approval rating of 45%, while 46% of average voters disapprove of the job performance of President Obama. When it comes to likely voters, its worse for the Oval, in the Rasmussen Reports Poll Obama has a 53% negative rating, while 47% approve of the job performance of President Obama. Not a good week for the Oval folks.

The Grade on Balls

Guardian: An interesting article in the left wing Guardian on the Balls scandal, the article states the following on Balls “ For all his energy and intelligence, the bullying strain still shines through and it troubles some of Ed Miliband's advisers. ”. If your Ed Miliband you have to ask how much of political liability is Ed Balls, does his history make him past his sell date with Labour and the voter. All this plotting from 2005 brings back all the bad memories of the feud between Blair and Brown, how much they could have achieved if they had worked together, in many respects like LBJ and RFK in the late 1960s. Lets be honest Ed Miliband is looking to get his brother David back in to the Shadow Cabinet, what about sacking Ed Balls.

The Balls List = The Enemies List

Telegraph: Reports that Labour’s Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Ed Balls drew up a list of those that were seen as a threat to Gordon Brown becoming PM, on that list was Blair’s Chief Spinner Alastair Campbell. Well Richard Nixon has his enemies list, did Balls have his own plumber unit? Well folks you have to have fun with this kind of story, so Labour has two faced laying Shadow Chancellor, not new then folks. It will be interesting to see the polls in the next few days, lets see if this story has any legs outside elite of London politics. One thing New Labour never stops giving when it comes to the black arts.

Jisr al-Shoehorn = Assad Attaks

BBC News: Reports that Security Forces loyal to the Assad Regime have started to attack the town of Jisr al-Shughour. One can postulate that the Assad Regime is on the way out, but the manner of its departure will be long and bloody, there is no way the UN will pass a tough resolution as it did with Libya, the Syrians have a close ally in Russia, thus its up to the Syrian people to achieve freedom, the people needs the Army to break with the Regime. Although there are reports of Syrian Soldiers refusing to fire, they are sparse, thus it could take time. Also Iran is backing up its important ally in the region, so neither the US, UK or France are going to take action, poor people of Syria.

Brown Camp vs. Balls

Guardian: While the Ed Balls leaked documents are just out the left wing guardian already has a suspect, the article states the following, “.. whether a disgruntled former member of the Brown circle has decided to strike at Balls..” If one was spinning one could almost argue that one would not be that surprised if the leak came from Scotland, o yes Gordon Brown’s local. Lets recall Brown has been thrown under the bus by Miliband and Balls, and lets be honest Brown is not a type to forgive and forget. But that just for discussion, lets see if they track down who leaked the documents. There is 1st time for everything, next would be a leak inquiry, that will make sure that the leak is never found.

Blair vs. Brown - The 2005 Plot

Telegraph: Has exclusive documents that show how the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Ed Balls and the new Labour Leader Ed Miliband in 2005 plotted to overthrow the then PM Tony Blair. The fact that Brown, Balls, and Miliband had a plot to get rid of Tony Blair is not new, what is new is the documents, since Miliband and Balls now lead Labour they should face some tough questions from the press. Lets be honest Ed Balls has form for these dark political acts, Diane Abbot now a Shadow Minister stated when she was running for the Labour Leadership if Balls in the past had not been up to dirty tricks then it was his EVIL TWIN BROTHER. One can guess that Tony Blair will be laughing at the discomfort this will cause to ex Labour PM Gordon Brown and the tough questions that the Labour leadership will face, if they will stab their own leader in the back what else will they do, with Ed Miliband its easy, he stabbed his own brother in the back, one can assume the Conservative press will not allow the Labour Party to forget their internal Wars. If this is the way they ran the Labour its no surprise that Labour came close to bankrupting the UK.