Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama on Syrian Crisis - Syria Crisis 5

Lets Get Real:

The worse nightmare that Obama has is being woken up one night and told Tehran has the bomb, this would force him to ACT, before Israel would take up the matter, the action in Syria while important is more about Iran, the Oval has made it clear over the years that a nuclear armed Iran is out of the question, the fact that Tehran is close to getting the bomb must keep the Oval up some nights.   Thus an attack on Assad's Syria will send  a clear message to Tehran, do not push either Israel or the US.  One can almost postulate that the Oval has heard from Israel, that if the Oval doe not act how can Israel trust the word of the Oval.  The problem for the Oval is that if it hits Assad to hard it could bring him down, and let in Al Qaeda, that would lead to US having to place troops in Syria to secure the WMD of Syria, on the other hand a slight hit on the nose might not make much of an impression and make Syria and Iran think they can go further, thus folks there are BAD AND WORSE options in Syria, well POTUS wanted the job. 

Kerry on Syria - Syria Crisis 4

Statement by US Secretary of State, John Kerry.  Here are the highlights folks, " The United States Government now knows that at least 1,429 Syrians were killed in this attack, including at least 426 children. Even the first responders, the doctors, nurses, and medics who tried to save them, they became victims themselves. We saw them gasping for air, terrified that their own lives were in danger.....We also know many disturbing details about the aftermath. We know that a senior regime official who knew about the attack confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime, reviewed the impact, and actually was afraid that they would be discovered. We know this....So the primary question is really no longer: What do we know? The question is: What are we – we collectively – what are we in the world going to do about it?  As previous storms in history have gathered, when unspeakable crimes were within our power to stop them, we have been warned against the temptations of looking the other way. History is full of leaders who have warned against inaction, indifference, and especially against silence when it mattered most. Our choices then in history had great consequences and our choice today has great consequences. It matters that nearly a hundred years ago, in direct response to the utter horror and inhumanity of World War I, that the civilized world agreed that chemical weapons should never be used again.....Our oldest ally, the French, said the regime, quote, “committed this vile action, and it is an outrage to use weapons that the community has banned for the last 90 years in all international conventions.” The Australian Prime Minister said he didn’t want history to record that we were, quote, “a party to turning such a blind eye.

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens folks when when the appeasers in the House of Commons stabs the UK's closes ally in the back, think about this folks, the bloody French, after World War One and World War Two and various other Wars, we do not even get a mention.  SHAME on the House of Commons, JUST SHAME. 

Obama and Syrian Crisis - Syria Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we could see the following line up for an attack on Syria, the US, France and Turkey, at least Cameron was on the right side, his tactics might be open to question, but at least he was doing the right thing, while Ed Milliband was more worried about keeping his Party together, the image of the UK did not matter to him, think of this folks,  when the attack happens the Labour leader will either have to hide, or be asked if he is going to attack President Obama, the 1st African - American President, and the left wing President Hollande, when he stabbed his brother in the back to become Labour leader it did not matter, he only destroyed his family for his ambition, this is a different level folks, this is about the what makes the Great Britain GREAT, over political ambition by Miliband means that the UK is not with its close ally the US, and that the Oval has to have the French with them, Paris will never let us forget this shame folks.  Lets hope Ed Miliband can sleep at night, 426 children in Syria a few days ago went to sleep and never woke up, does Miliband care or does care about keeping the Labour Party happy. 

Syria and the White House - Syria Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

After the speech by Secretary Kerry IF the Oval did not move it would look like the weakest President in US history, so Syria can expect an attack within a few days is can be postulated.   Lets be clear here folks, this should be a one off deal, few hours or even a day or two, the point is NOT to become an ACTOR in the Syrian Civil War, after Afghanistan and Iraq, no one wants that, the point is to send a message to Assad and Iran, BACK OFF, and even more so to Iran. Within a few months Iran could have the bomb, then the US will face a major choice, it can not allow Iran to have the bomb, as this would force Israel to take action, thus the US will have to do it first to prevent a regional war.   In many respects Syria is a sideshow, the point of Syria is Iran. 

The Death Toll of the Chemical Strike in Syria - Syria Crisis

BBC News: Reports that US Secretary of State John Kerry has stated that 1,429 Syrians were killed when the Assad Regime launched a chemical attack on its own people, of that that total 426 were children. 

Lets Get Real:

One can only hope that those Conservative MPs who didn't vote for the UK Coalition Government and Ed Miliband and his Labour MPs have sleepless nights, lets hope they see in their twisted dreams the cries of the innocent as they died because of the chemical warfare attack of the Assad Regime.   The PM should wait and return such appeasement with cold revenge, no time for call me Dave, time to show what happens when you betray your Country and Party, make sure that those MPs that failed to show loyalty suffer, make sure they get the worse Committee work, NEVER become part of the Government.  When it comes to Ed Miliband the PM should remind  him of the deaths of 426 children, make him regret even thinking about becoming Labour Leader.   The UK voter is VERY fickle, if the US strike is successful, they will turn on those politicians who took the UK off the moral cliff.  The vote last nigh was shameful by the UK Parliament, Churchill and Thatcher are turning in their graves, who would have thought that a small rump of Conservative MPs who become modern appeasers.