Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama and Syrian Crisis - Syria Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we could see the following line up for an attack on Syria, the US, France and Turkey, at least Cameron was on the right side, his tactics might be open to question, but at least he was doing the right thing, while Ed Milliband was more worried about keeping his Party together, the image of the UK did not matter to him, think of this folks,  when the attack happens the Labour leader will either have to hide, or be asked if he is going to attack President Obama, the 1st African - American President, and the left wing President Hollande, when he stabbed his brother in the back to become Labour leader it did not matter, he only destroyed his family for his ambition, this is a different level folks, this is about the what makes the Great Britain GREAT, over political ambition by Miliband means that the UK is not with its close ally the US, and that the Oval has to have the French with them, Paris will never let us forget this shame folks.  Lets hope Ed Miliband can sleep at night, 426 children in Syria a few days ago went to sleep and never woke up, does Miliband care or does care about keeping the Labour Party happy. 

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