Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Political Polls, Reagan and Obama

The New York Times: Looks at the Poll standings of Reagan and Obama and how they compare. Reagan had to face an economic downturn that was quite sever but came back to win 49 States in 1984. Reagan left office with a Gallup Job Approval of 63% and his VP, Bush 41 become President. Bill Clinton had a Gallup Job Approval of 66% but his VP, Al Gore lost to Bush 43. It can be postulated that Clinton would have been happy to equal Reagan if his VP had won the Presidency. Thus the elite media is treating Obama like the secular second coming so far, but there will come a time when Obama will face what Reagan faced in 1983 when his ratings had hit a rock bottom of 35%. That is when Reagan showed leadership, he didn't change policies, he showed leadership and great political skill and he came back a winner in 1984. Thus the question can Obama cope without being loved, that is the tough question. What if Afghanistan goes down the toilet or Israel hits Iran, the left will not be with him then, thus we will see if Obama is a great politician or a political windbag. Read of the Day.

CIA - Torture worked on Terrorists Reports that the CIA has confirmed that torture worked on terrorists held by the USA and prevented further attacks. This is a fight Obama cant win, with his terrorist friend from his Chicago days, his smiles with the President of Venezuela, his desperate attempts to talk to Iran and his foolish policy in Afghanistan, Obama should learn not to pander to the left. It make him popular for the day and then the Republicans,Conservatives and moderates will argue that Obama has turned in to Jimmy Carter. Lets recall Jimmy Carter started out in the same way in some respects, giving up the Panama Canal, the SALT 11 Treaty with the USSR, and restrictions on the CIA. Then the floor fell in, the USSR invaded Afghanistan, the revolution in Iran and the hostages. Obama should recall that it was Foreign Policy that bought down Carter, not the economy, thus weakness gets you a kick up the backside or in political terms, you don't get re-elected.

Obama's Memo Leak - Torture worked, Live with the Truth!

MSNBC: Reports from an article in the NYT that Obama's National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair has confirmed that the torture methods of the Bush Administration did work. What is interesting about this article it two fold, that Mr Blair has contradicted his own President, also that it was leaked. As stated in past posts the CIA can leak the Obama Administration to lose the 2012 re-election. Thus if there is another terrorists attack on the USA homeland and it could have been prevented by the use of these now banned methods Obama will lose re-election and Democrats will lose the Hill. Thus if your Democratic political operator you must be praying every night for no attack, as all do that support the USA, but also if one happens it does not end your political career.

Harder Sanctions on Iran - Hillary Clinton

BBC News: Reports that Hillary Clinton has stated that Iran faces harder sanctions if it does not reach across and accept the open hand of the United States. This is interesting, yesterday Obama looked like Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain when he opened the door to the prosecution of Bush Officials over the torture memos, now we have Hillary Clinton warning Iran that it faces tough sanctions if it does not come to heel. One gets the impression that Obama and Clinton are following the reverse model of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, in that Nixon was the Mad Man in the Oval and Kissinger was the moderate, today we have the reverse, Obama is the next Jimmy Carter and thus weak and Clinton is the tough operator. One can postulate that Israeli has warned the Obama Administration that it does not have all the time in the world, Israel will not allow a nuclear armed Iran. The statements of the President of Iran at a UN Conference when he called Israel a racist country shows that he is the Hitler in waiting. Thus the President Obama might need the CIA more than he thinks, not a good idea to annoy them, they caused massive problems for Bush 43 with leaks, they could do more damage to Obama. This is 93rd day of the Obama Presidency, its fun, Conservative bloggers don't have to defend the Bush White House, lot more fun to be critical, and the fun part is that Obama gives us so much to be critical about, Intelligence Arrogance of Obama is his flaw, he is no Professor Kingsfield from the Paper Chase Film.