Sunday, April 15, 2012

Class Warfare CLOSE to home!

Sunday Mail: Reports that President Obama’s secretary Anita Decker Breckenridge pays more tax that a the President. Thus one can expect President Obama to immediately give his Secretary a pay raise and pay the difference between his tax rate and hers. It can be argued that President Obama has the same problem as Hillary Rosen, he only speaks to people who agree with him, and does not read or understand basic economics, also he does not understand the US mind set. This foolish class warfare argument by POTUS might work in France but the US is not France, that why the founding fathers left, they didn’t want any part of the old World. Also POTUS might like hearing himself say the same thing OVER and OVER again, but it does not work, same with ObamaCare, he said it would be come more popular, it has not, if Obama does lose his re-election bid and he follows his own arguments he wont take seats on company board, he will write his memoirs then he will have to get a REAL JOB, in the private sector, how else is he going to fund his Presidential Library, since he attacks the rich he wont take their money will he, the problem with class warfare folks is that it is stated by people who have never had a real job, and once they lose power go after money like it’s the end of the world. Grow Up POTUS.

What FINAL VICTOR ?- North Korea

Guardian: Reports that the new leader of North Korea Kim Jong - un has called on his Country to push for final victory, the article notes the following on the speech “ The speech suggested Kim would stick to his father and grandfather's "military-first" policy. ”. After the recent failure of the North Korea’s rocket one can expect the following from North Korea, some kind cross border attack on South Korea, just to make the point that North Korea has a million men ready for War with South Korea, also a third nuclear test, just to keep the UN and Western powers off guard. The main worry would be if North Korea and Iran former a military alliance, the North Koreans could help Tehran with its nuclear ambitions, while Tehran has had some success with its missile technology, thus that is not far from a nuclear armed Iran with an ICMB. Thus Asia and the Middle East could become very hot over the next few years folks.

Afghanistan Attacks Part Two

Telegraph: Reports that the UK and German Embassies and NATO headquarters in Kabul have come under attack. Thus folks this shows how the supposed security that NATO brings is hollow and can be thwarted in the fighting Summer months. If the NATO Allies want out of Afghanistan by 2015 they will have to up their game, they can not afford from the PR point of view to have the Taliban take over once the last truck or helicopter leaves Afghanistan, that would be to much like Saigon in South Vietnam in 1975. That would be a disaster for any US President or UK PM. Thus, there is a need to revise the military plans for Afghanistan, at least to give the appearance that when NATO leaves that the Afghan Government can fight off the Taliban, at least long enough for the 24/7 news channels to get bored with the post NATO Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Attacks = Tet Attacks of 1968

BBC News: Reports on the co-ordinated attacks by the Taliban on various locations in Kabul, the Capitol of Afghanistan, and other Afghan Provinces. This does recall the attacks by the Viet Cong on US Forces in Southern Vietnam in 1968, that lead to the downfall of a President. The mistake the NATO Allies have done is to set out a timetable for withdrawal, there is no reason for the Taliban to have serious talks with the Western powers, once they leave they can declare victory and start to hang their opposition, the West has to make it clear that it will leave enough forces in Afghanistan tot prevent the Taliban taking over, or what is the point of losing good and brave Soldiers for nothing in the end.