Sunday, April 15, 2012

Class Warfare CLOSE to home!

Sunday Mail: Reports that President Obama’s secretary Anita Decker Breckenridge pays more tax that a the President. Thus one can expect President Obama to immediately give his Secretary a pay raise and pay the difference between his tax rate and hers. It can be argued that President Obama has the same problem as Hillary Rosen, he only speaks to people who agree with him, and does not read or understand basic economics, also he does not understand the US mind set. This foolish class warfare argument by POTUS might work in France but the US is not France, that why the founding fathers left, they didn’t want any part of the old World. Also POTUS might like hearing himself say the same thing OVER and OVER again, but it does not work, same with ObamaCare, he said it would be come more popular, it has not, if Obama does lose his re-election bid and he follows his own arguments he wont take seats on company board, he will write his memoirs then he will have to get a REAL JOB, in the private sector, how else is he going to fund his Presidential Library, since he attacks the rich he wont take their money will he, the problem with class warfare folks is that it is stated by people who have never had a real job, and once they lose power go after money like it’s the end of the world. Grow Up POTUS.

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